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Our Only Hope Remains With Jesus

Not the best headline or title, considering the world for as long as we can know, has been led to believe that Jesus is the bad guy - the lie - the figment of mans wild imagination. But then, how is it that the only name and faith as a whole, the Christian faith, was and remains the only name and faith targeted during the truth unfolding behind the PlanDemic, and continues as such; mention any other name or faith and you're good, but Jesus?

If this were not such a serious matter, as in devastating, with the potential of easily becoming nuclear catastrophic, destroying all earth, it couldn't be seen for anything less than the latest comedy hit series attempt that is hilariously laughable, with ignorance bursting as the punchline.

Ninety percent minimum of global population, especially first world nations, who have the privilege of access to all means possible for knowing truth from the right sources, anything but MSM & SM, refuse to see the truth, for whatever reasons, cognitive dissonance perhaps, but still are without excuse to be carrying on as though everything's good, finally we're getting back to normal; this is the ignorance I speak of that is truly laughable, BUT IS IT?

  • Is it normal that doctors are dying at an accelerated rate?

  • Is it normal that deaths are skyrocketing from being vaccinated?

  • Is it normal that those already poisoned by cancer treatments, are now also dying at accelerated rates?

  • Is it normal that children are dying or becoming crippled in multiple ways after receiving the covid-19-lie-death-shot?

  • Is it normal that the CDC approves 15-0 vote to continue vaxxing children?

  • Is it normal to embrace stolen/fraudulent elections?

  • Is it normal for teachers to teach sexual perversion in our public school systems and suggest to our children that they may be gay, or of the opposite sex, with the authority to direct YOUR/OUR CHILDREN to have an operation should they choose WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION?

As God's most imperfect servant, that would be me, I'm saying as clearly as possible that YOU, especially Christian, NEED TO REBUKE THE DEVIL, and you need to be serious about Jesus to do it; know who He is - or HERE!

Christian, you're believing and preaching how to trust Jesus amidst a pandemic that doesn't exist? And worse still, especially if you're claiming to be walking in faith, with a Word of Faith ministry, and suddenly 1 Peter 2:24, Matthew 8:17, or Psalm 91, no longer makes you invincible with Christ in you, with 31,170 more verses of absolute truth available?

This is truly embarrassing as a Christian and human being.

Why can't we believe and not doubt the living word of JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD, nothing added, nothing taken away from its 66 books, not 73, that is provably inerrant and infallible, in perfect sync from Genesis 1:1 - Revelation 22:21? This boggles me!

There is a claim that I have been following along with, pretty much from a couple weeks into the PlanDemic, regarding President Trump, the White Hats, and a Global Military Alliance, being used by God. Thing is, it all appeared fine, until everything claimed to be coming to pass, by multiple sources, was not happening, and is still not happening.

And then, many people claimed to have already been removed by the military alliance, in custody, or executed already, including the Pope, Bill Gates, and too many to count Hollywood celebrities, suddenly began showing up in different news stories, or in new 2022 movies out of Hollywood (Pedowood).

With all that said, my theory as to why our only hope remains with Jesus, is because no matter whether or not the Trump, White Hats, and Military Alliance is true, nothing happens without God knowing (Isaiah 46:10). All is done according to plan as to what we the people would deserve at this very time, even while under grace, because said plan was in place long before the world began, coinciding with Abba Father's plans of predestination.

My theory seems quite plausible, that with God knowing all things, and using all people for His ultimate and end means for mankind, the Trump, White Hats, and MA, to an extent may be true, but only to build and maintain a promise for a better tomorrow, a means to avoid global panic and/or civil wars by the masses, for the most part, who have proven themselves, Christians included, who have been gravely negligent in the area of vigilance.

I know what you may be thinking, I'm the perfect know-it-all!

However, only God knows the heart and our motives, and what I can confidently say, is that I boast only of Christ and my own weaknesses, and aim to correct the latter as humanly possible; question is, do you?

I believe it was Jesus who said in Luke 6:42, "How can you think of saying, ‘Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the login your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye."

So, as for me and all who call on His name, or do not, our only hope remains in Jesus, or so it should.


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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