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Jesus Has a Plan For Your Life
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The most important thing to me 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year is you! Since childhood, my passion always found me drawn to others, especially if different than myself; language, accent, color of skin, nationality, culture, and beliefs. My M.R.S., degree is a direct result of this fascination, respectfully curious and genuinely interested in people; agreeing, or agreeing to disagree, is a position we must never lose. 

Always FREE!
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FREE Truth

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wearenotgod @ protonmail .com
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Books sent immediately upon request & listed in order top to bottom for greatest learning and reading benefit.

Book of John / Matthew / Mark / Luke + the Balance of the New Testament and then to Psalms / Proverbs / Ecclesiastes / Genesis to Malachi Old Testament

Fall of the Cabal
Janet Ossebaard confirmed dead 12/24/23
Still think PlanDemic is a conspiracy?

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