To grasp a small hint, or illustration if you will, of what this title is attempting to emphasize, one needs to see the graphic used in the post 'A Tree is Identified by its Fruit.'
Sadly, wonderful, well meaning people, as in the Bitchute channel '3D to 5D Consciousness,' are falling for the lies that have been propagated by the devil himself, through his innumerable minions, particularly, the Cabal behind the PlanDemic, and in turn, DOING THE DEVILS BIDDING by propagating his lies as truth.
An oxymoron if there ever was such a thing?
You can see the Cabal protocols HERE that have been falling into place easily for over two hundred traceable years as a minimum, DEMONIC EVIL PLANTS as in - PROFESSORS, DOCTORS, EDUCATORS, MINISTERS, even PASTORS, MARXISTS, ATHEISTS, SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, or simply-put, ANTI-CHRISTS, into every sector of business & life to distort, teach, manipulate, and brainwash the masses away from truth, and in favor of the lies.
Folks, with all due respect, it's wake-up time, as in yesterday; this is not a drill and no joke!
Ephesians 6:12 (NLT) For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
In response to '3D to 5D Consciousness' video above (someone has to defend inerrant and infallible truth), I posted the following:
The founding Buddha was first a Hindu; one Buddha says you have a soul, the next says you do not; the founder of Taoism was a former contemporary of Confucius; and the muslim believes they will get to heaven by being good enough! AND ON AND ON the wild figments of imagination go, from mysticism to spirituality - (human accomplishment).
Respectfully, there is only ONE inerrant and infallible living truth known to man and that is Jesus Christ Living God - (DIVINE ACCOMPLISHMENT).
Matthew 3:2 (NLT)
“Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
Acts 3:19 (NLT)
Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.
Mark 1:15 (NLT)
“The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”
There are only two paths - Heaven or Hell - for Jesus or against Him
Matthew 12:30 (NLT)
“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.
Her response to me was as follows:
Why doesn't any Christian ever address the elephant in the room. I just exposed your religion in participating in mass satanic ritual sacrifices through your Xmas holidays. I just exposed your cannibalism practices through eating and drinking blood of your Christ. And finally, the most satanic one is drinking alcohol, a drink that is known to invite the demons into your body. Let's discuss this. Don't regurgitate bible verses and rhetoric that has no relevance, logic and they don't address the Satanism issue that is in your religion.
*** I am not judging this young woman! What she or anyone chooses to believe is one thing, and no one has a right to judge another, but no one is defending the only and literal inerrant and infallible text known to man, the Protestant (not Pope's) Holy Bible, 66 books, not 73, and that is what I am doing when opportunity presents itself! *** The Christian faith is not to be confused with the satanic Pope & Vatican Catholicism, who have been satanists from the beginning; and that is where the so-called elephant in the room comes in, out of ignorance, categorizing the latter paganism/satanism with actual living truth - and the Jesus Christ-first Christian is not involved in the hogwash such ignorance is portraying, plain and simple.
Sad thing is, this same woman, defending her position through ignorance, has always been the devils plan to deceive her and billions of others for the sake of stealing their souls. He is the liar and father of lies (John 8:44), but because of said ignorance, she will end up in the same place as the monsters behind the PlanDemic unless she turns to Jesus. NO? Read Luke 16:19-31 + Matthew 12:30 above!
Look at where we are today! Lockdowns may be temporarily relieved, but the monsters behind the PlanDemic, with an agenda to depopulate the world down to 500,000,000 people from approximately 7.5 billion, are still very much at large; while the majority of the globe, who still believe there was a pandemic, are believing THEY'RE JUST ABOUT HOME-FREE ... when nothing could be further from the truth.
When I say 'One Truth' as in 'One Truth to Every Nine Hundred & Ninety Nine Untruths,' I'm talking inerrant and infallible truth ... and that doesn't exist apart from the Holy Bible. Seriously! This is not something up for debate or challenge, and set apart from the 'critical thinking' crowd that destroys logic & common sense by its own definition.
Critical thinking is making reasoned judgments that are logical and well-thought out. It is a way of thinking in which you don't simply accept all arguments and conclusions you are exposed to, but rather have an attitude involving questioning such arguments and conclusions.
In other words, the art or skillset for critical thinking, established in the early 1900's, is nothing shy of one more luciferian, demonic anti-truth, anti-Christ Zion Protocol orchestrated by these monsters that have us right where they want and need us.
From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, an article elaborates on the history of the articulation, promotion and adoption of critical thinking as an educational goal; and this is only ONE university - and ONE topic - leaving you do the math for global impact thanks to Protocols of Zion.
No matter who said “I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots,” they were right!
Did you know in 1959 the average attention span was 22 minutes ... in 2000 it was 12 minutes ... and by 2019, just in time for the PlanDemic, said attention span was only 8 seconds; hello!
Did you give any consideration to doing a little homework on the safety of mask wearing during the fake pandemic; and/or why the political persistence for wearing them all the time?

What about countless other topics that the MSM is not talking about, such as cloning; did you know Tom Hanks is actually three different people HERE!
Speaking of fake religion and MSM, are you familiar with the term Monkey-See-Monkey-Do and how it's just like FAKE NEWS?
How about a close look at The Fallibility of the Quran?
Allow me to close this post with a very serious question that no reader should take lightly, for it's as real as the nose on your face: "What Side of the Chasm Will You Be On?"
Whether these monsters will be granted the right to destroy the world Jesus spoke into being, primarily because we the people have chosen to believe in anything and everything but the truth He has given us in His living word, the Holy Bible ... OR ... Jesus Himself returns as promised in His living word, like a thief in the night to put the last seven years of earth's existence into motion (the tribulation), the following is how Jesus relates it to history.
26 “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. 27 In those days, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 “And the world will be as it was in the days of Lot. People went about their daily business—eating and drinking, buying and selling, farming and building— 29 until the morning Lot left Sodom. Then fire and burning sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.