So, you find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place, not knowing who to trust or what to believe regarding the PlanDemic/pandemic, when a genuine and humble man, clearly a pauper, introduces himself, and before you know it, his captivating life story of private investigation, leaves you holding a copy of 'THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION,' claiming it to be the actual and literal agenda of the Cabal, Illuminate - as he remains incognito, fearful for his life. Now what?

We will soon witness, via public broadcast, sooner than later we trust, just how common the above settings have become in today's very distorted and confused world - in particular, the proud and pompous individuals, many of whom you will recognize from some form of public platform, yet all a little too eager to worship the devil instead of the living truth of Jesus Christ - yet - all can also be saved and forgiven!
To see this specific 30 min presentation, with corresponding graphics that bring it to life a thousand-fold, go HERE (#14 on pdf below) - or download following pdf to have all thirty (30) documentaries - best collection, best investigators - Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
So, here we go ... let us take a closer look at a few of 'THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION' ...
'Goyim' - a person who is not Jewish - a Jewish word for gentile (unbeliever)

1/ "The mob is savage and displays its savagery at every opportunity. The moment the mob seizes freedom in its hands, it turns to anarchy. which is the highest degree of savagery" - (Protocol 1, Paragraph 21)
2/ "We are interested in killing out the Goyim. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker, because that implies he is made the slave of our will" - (Protocol 3, Paragraph 7)
3/ "We shall move the mobs by want, envy, and hatred ... and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way" - (Protocol 3, Paragraph 8)
4/ "The Goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are the wolves" - (Protocol 11, Paragraph 4)
5/ "If we have been able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness, is that not amazingly clear proof of the degree to which the mind of the Goyim is undeveloped in comparison to our mind? This is mainly which guarantees our success." - (Protocol 15, Paragraph 7)
6/ "We replace the ruler of the Republics by a caricature of a government, by a President/Prime Minister taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures, our slaves" - (Protocol 10, Paragraph 10)
7/ "We shall arrange elections in favor of such Presidents/Prime Ministers, who have in their past, some dark undiscovered secret. This will make them trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans, out of fear of exposure ... and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely the privileges, advantages and honor, connected with the office of President/Prime Minister. We shall take the right to propose new laws, or make changes in existing laws, as the President/PM is only a puppet in our hands" - (Protocol 10, Paragraph 13)
8/ "The part played by the liberals, utopian dreamers, will be finally played out, when our government is acknowledged. Till such time, they will continue to do us good service. Therefore we shall continue to direct their minds to all sorts of vain conceptions of fantastic theories, new and progressive" - (Protocol 13, Paragraph 4)
9/ "Until we come into our kingdom, we shall create and multiply Masonic Lodges in all the countries of the world, and absorb into them, all who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges are our principle intelligence office and primary means of influence" - (Protocol 15, Paragraph 4)
10/ "All these lodges, we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone, and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders" - (Protocol 15, Paragraph 4)
11/ "The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. Among the members of these lodges, will be almost all the agents of international and national police, since their service is irreplaceable to us, as they have their own measures with the insubordinate" - (Protocol 15, Paragraph 4)
12/ "The class of people who willingly enter into secret societies, are those who live by their reason, careerists, mostly light-minded people, with whom we shall have no difficulty in dealing and in using ... but if there should arise in its midst a plot, then at the head of that plot will be no other than one of our most trusted servants" - (Protocol 15, Paragraph 5)
13/ "The Goyim enter lodges out of curiosity, or in hopes of getting a nibble at the public pie, and some of them in order to obtain a hearing before the public for their impractical and groundless fantasies: they thirst for success and applause, of which we are remarkably generous ... You cannot imagine to what extend the wisest of the Goyim can be brought to a state of unconscious naivete' in their ignorance, and how easy it is to take the heart out of them by the slightest ill-success, though it be nothing more than the stoppage of the applause they had ... and to reduce them to a slavish submission, for the sake of winning a renewal of success. These tigers in the appearance, have the souls of sheep, and the wind blows freely through their heads" - (Protocol 15, Paragraph 6)
14/ "We execute Masons in ways that none but the Brotherhood can ever have a suspicion of, not even the victims themselves of our death sentence. They all die when required as if from a normal kind of illness ... Knowing this, even the Brotherhood dare not protest. By such methods, we have plucked out of Masonry, the very root of protest against us" - (Protocol 15, Paragraph 9)
15/ "Through the press we have gained the power of influence, while remaining ourselves in the shade" - (Protocol 2, Paragraph 5)
16/ "Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. All news items are received by a few agencies. These agencies will be entirely ours, and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them" - (Protocol 12, Paragraph 4)
17/ "All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions ... aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical. Those fools who think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp, will be repeating our opinion, or any opinion that seems desirable for us" - (Protocol 12, Paragraph 12)
18/ "We shall raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the basic necessities of life, claiming that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle breeding" - (Protocol 6, Paragraph 7)
19/ "There is another reason why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising to give back all the liberties we have taken away, as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties" - (Protocol 11, Paragraph 5)
20/ "We shall distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people's palaces. Through the press, we shall propose competitions in art, in sport, in all kinds: these interests shall finally distract their minds" - (Protocol 13, Paragraph 3)
21/ "It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds, for we have in our service persons of all opinions, all doctrines, restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and utopian dreamers. We have harnessed them all to the task of drilling away the last remnants of authority" - (Protocol 9, Paragraph 4)
22/ "By these acts, all states are in torture and ready to sacrifice everything for peace and tranquility: but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-Government, and with submissiveness" - (Protocol 9, Paragraph 4)
God is still on the throne and in control - He's got this - and has long known every thought and move by the Cabal and all who play Him for a fool; but He confirms - "I alone am God. There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be."
Luke 8:17 “For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.”
Hebrews 4:13 “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.”
Deuteronomy 32:35 “I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them.”
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.
I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!