For the past two hundred plus years, world leaders have been indoctrinating the people from grade school through university, and beyond the classroom under the powerful influence of MSM (Mainstream Media) owned by the Cabal -
- fear mongering and targeting tactics, all planned and funded through the inexhaustible marketing budgets of agreeing conglomerate corporations with one thing in mind - PROFIT THROUGH MIND MANIPULATION.
Using technology as the addiction, the master manipulators have been able to make their tactics stick by dummying down the people, into believing that 'black could be white,' - 'one plus one could be three,' - and 'two wrongs could very well make a right;' a dark and unsuspecting form of dictatorship indeed!

Speaking of dummying down the people - in 1957 the average global attention span was twenty-two minutes - in 2000 it was twelve minutes - and by 2019 eight seconds!
Still, amidst the current PlanDemic, NOT pandemic, lockdowns included, and still with no logic or evidence to support the cause, while literally destroying the true fabric of life as we have known it, is proof that when dictatorship (evil) is in control, there is no right & wrong, anything goes, nobody wins, but the dictators (devils) and minions who have followed the crowd, bowing to the devil himself, foolish and gullible, missing the forest for the trees.
In simple terms, “Logic, common sense, agreeing to disagree, loving all and judging none, is out the window!”
Worldwide Sting Operation
Just how ugly and grotesque of a monster are we facing today? Pedophilia – Child Pornography – Human Trafficking that has no place in civilized society, and that only lives in the heart and life of those demonically influenced, has reached devastating and outright shocking levels (SEE HERE + HERE)! At the heart of this animalistic crusade, we find a communist, Marxist dictator mentality that wreaks of the pit of hell. Full scoop HERE!
Biden Body Double Delivers SOTU (State of the Union), to Clones, Holograms, and Lookalikes - NO? Read HERE!
Life as we know it is no longer Hollyweird fiction - but rather our hell on earth new reality, indicating that we must begin following the right people for the right reasons. Thousands of medical professionals, celebrities, political & religious leaders, royalty included as shown by name in the links above, whom we have placed our trust, and/or looked up to, are being brought to justice in a world-wide sting operation, majority proven guilty of the epitome of disregard for human life; pedophilia, transgenderism, human trafficking & child sacrifice!
NO MATTER THE TOPIC … on a 1-10 scale, we never find the truth (1), needed by following the crowd (10); so only mainstream media puppets pushing the agendas of their puppeteers, the Cabal, know truth? Not likely!
The living God, Jesus Christ, propagated by MSM and well funded allies and atheist's for centuries, as anything and everything but the truth, is placing both believers and non-believers on notice when He says: “Only a fool says there is no God – and – the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them;” thus fair to say the word 'perversity' is identifying with those guilty of utter disregard for human life - satanists - with Popes heading up the charge!
What Will Your Legacy Be?
While believing myself, that ALL PEOPLE must always have the FREEDOM to believe and do as they choose, including lifestyle choices, just as the living God makes clear of said freedom throughout His word … my three questions for you are:
What do you believe?
What will your legacy be?
Who or what do you idolize?
The company we keep determines the path we take and the decisions or positions we take! Clearly those now being imprisoned, or executed already, for everything from treason, crimes against humanity, including innocent infants & children, have sadly, disgracefully, and despicably, chosen unwisely; who'd have thought - but all FOR LACK OF TRUTH IN THEM!
Again, sooner than later, we MUST BEGIN following the right people and/or leadership for the right reasons - and never ever, ever, JUST BECAUSE someone is a career family politician, a great actor, attractive, or gives away sponsor money on their television shows; BUT WE DO!
RATHER we must seek out justifiable reasons to follow and trust someone, going beyond a person's need for publicity - where the consistency of integrity becomes self-evident during public appearances - or when the likes of empathy or transparency reveals themselves as they are naturally supported by actions both on and off camera.
A true and integral, people-first-leader worth following, will ninety-nine percent of the time be consistent in what they say, how they act, and in what they do and stand for. The living God teaches us - "Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."
Black is Not White - One Plus One is Not Three - Two Wrongs do Not Make a Right
No better time for us to do our own research outside of the googles of search engines who own the internet, tracking our every move. Avoid the conveniences and deliberate deception of local & global MSM and social media billionaire monsters blocking truth and free speech.
Also, consider avoiding irresponsible home shopping networks who have gone from book seller to book censor ... and funded billions into fake vaccines to kill you! As noted, why trust search engines only because of their name, when they too have followed the irresponsible thievery activities of FB robbing us over & over, being caught only to receive a mere slap on the wrist; not wise choices to say the least - considering judges are bought & paid for.
We must begin holding HOUSEHOLD brand names and their companies accountable - those who insist on selling less and less quality for higher prices, while behind closed doors boasting arrogantly - "what can they afford to do to us?"
And how about such household corporate names as Coca-Cola, PayPal, or Netflix, who have found their way into taking action and voicing their opinions affecting our freedoms, free speech, and/or supporting the American voting fraud 2020 - STILL UNDER INVESTIATION - where is the truth and loyalty in that? START USING THE COMPETITION!
REMEMBER, there is only one absolute divine truth that can help lead us and keep us on the right path with the right understanding - meaning - black is not white - one plus one is not three - and two wrongs do not make a right, no matter how we look at it or stretch the truth - and that only ONE absolute, provable inerrant, and infallible truth is Jesus Christ.
"For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."
"I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."
"If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
While loving all and judging none ... truth is truth ... and the following must be addressed!
'JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD' is King of kings and Lord of lords, not Pastor Kevin, not Mary the mother of Jesus, and MOST DEFINITELY NOT Catholicism and their satanic Pope | Vatican bible that has seven extra books NOT INSPIRED of God; they are demonic and have no place with the inerrant & infallible six-six books of God's INSPIRED Protestant Holy Bible.
A torn Catholic explains: 66 books vs 73 and Why (the “Apocrypha” Explained)
A must see: Martin Luther Exhibit
The Popes are renowned practicing satanists, and their Vatican is being brought to its knees ... guilty of one of the worlds largest human trafficking rings on planet earth - FOR CENTURIES - with regular child sacrificing to the devil at the top of the list.
Learn from Patriots | investigative journalists: THE FALL OF THE CABAL
And - Speaking of Jesus and His Church - this is a fair and honest article