God is using the biggest crime, demonic attack against humanity, the PlanDemic, to accomplish His ultimate objective for mankind; drawing all people unto to Him as #1.
To the global populous, He is saying: "I alone am God, Jesus Christ Living God, there is no other, never has been, never will be - Isaiah 43:10"
To the Christian, especially Christian leadership, who have embraced said biggest lie against humanity, being vaccinated and wearing masks, He is saying: "You are not as close to me as you may think - and unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm - Isaiah 7:9b"
The name Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ, or Christ Jesus, although powerful to those who know Him, to the world at large, it's more religion; however that stigma can only be changed when identified in full as 'HE' should be - Jesus Christ Living God - BECAUSE -
A teaching {links} preamble to the vision for global impact
To Him, God/Jesus, a thousand years are as a passing day, as brief as a few night hours, therefore patience through endurance must become one of our primary strengths.
Serving the living God, who is not an idol god, is our privilege. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts.
He is the Creator divine God, not something created. He is the only God, for there is only ONE God, no God like Him - never has been and never will be.
He is the ONE who spoke what was not as though it were in the beginning, and so the world, and we in Him, were born, predestined with a purpose, yet falling to the wayside for lack of faith in action, or acknowledgement of His truth - evil being the absence of God - idolatry.
When we trust in Him and His understanding, not our own, He will direct our path as He leads us into fulfilling His divine purpose in us for His glory and our benefit, with a hope and a plan according to our DNA makeup as His masterpiece, prized possession, His friend, brother/sister, and joint heir in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rest, answered prayer, encouragement, and new strength, are compliments of Jesus with no strings attached, no tricks or gimmicks, just straight forward, honest and true love by way of His free gifts of mercy, grace, and eternal salvation by faith alone - never by works.
Additionally to all of the above
*** we know we must never add nor take away from His living word Revelation 22:18-19 | Deuteronomy 4:2 | Deuteronomy 12:32 | Proverbs 30:6
*** that anything and everything is possible Mark 9:23, as we believe and do not doubt, pray it, believe we have received, and it's ours Mark 11:24 ... yet not as in a crystal ball, wishing well, or get-rich quick scheme, confirmed by James 1:5-8 and James 4:3.
*** we know God knows all things! Isaiah 46:10 | John 16:30
*** that He alone holds the power of life & death 1 Samuel 2:6 | John 19:11
*** that we are already prosperous John 10:10 | Psalm 37:11| Deuteronomy 30:15 | Psalm 1:3 *** already redeemed Galatians 3:14 *** already sanctified Hebrews 10:10 *** and already healed 1 Peter 2:24 | of all sickness & disease Matthew 8:17 | virus & plagues Psalm 91
*** that He cannot, would not, and does not lie Numbers 23:19 | Hebrews 6:18 | Psalm 89:35 | Isaiah 45:23 | Titus 1:2
*** and that He is Omniscient John 16:30 | Isaiah 46:10 *** Omnipresent Matthew 28:20 *** and Omnipotent Matthew 28:18
Therefore ...
... appreciating where we've been, where we are, and being willing to humble ourselves under His mighty power, patiently awaiting His perfect timing to lift us up in honor, knowing His great love for us, showering us with His glory at salvation, we can also move forward, taking hold of the following vision that assures He becomes greater and greater as we become less and less, as intended from the beginning, removing self, denominational pride, doctrines, and titles, boasting to the world, the King of kings and Lord of lords, JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD, author of life, promised Messiah, and Savior of the world.
What is this vision and message?

This vision and message is the result of what I believe my spirit (Holy Spirit within from salvation), was prompting me to share with those directed under my care in Third World Nations beginning in 2019, as well as with those in First World Nations who might listen; sadly, the latter have long proven themselves for the most part, uninterested.
The church sign above is an example that immediately came to mind as clear as it is shown, that first and foremost is seen by all, boasting of JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - removing all public confusion of Jesus, lost amidst mans proud titles.
Is Jesus not His name, in whom the church and we are to be boasting?
Is Christ not His title?
Is He not very much alive, defeating death by resurrection?
Is He not God as He claimed and proved with eye witness testimonies?
2 Peter 1:16 For we were not making up clever stories when we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We saw his majestic splendor with our own eyes
Do these church signs not boast of Jesus as the living God - discrediting idols who cannot - while removing all confusion or reservations as to who and what this church stands for?
All churches across the globe, serious about giving the church back to God, in the name of whom it has always belonged, stripped of their denominational connotations and other unworthy self-proclaimed titles, are called to begin boasting to the world of the ONE who must always be and remain greater and greater than WE THE STUDENTS - and to confirm this change in heart for the whole wide world to see, said churches are to lead by example.
Luke 6:40 Students are not greater than their teacher. But the student who is fully trained will become like the teacher.

We must not discourage, discredit, or shortchange people seeking Jesus!
NOT - 'Run For Your Life International Chapel' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - Run To Jesus Chapel"
NOT - 'Crossover Community Church - Relevance Without Compromise' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - Crossover Community Church"
NOT - 'Greater Macedonia Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - Macedonia Church of God"
NOT - 'Central Baptist Church' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - Central Community Church"
NOT - 'Laboratory Church of God - World Liberation Centre' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - Church of God Mgbuobu"
NOT - 'Lakewood Church' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - Lakewood Church"
NOT - 'Eagle Mountain International Church' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - Eagle Mountain International Church"
NOT - 'World Changers Church International' ... but perhaps ...
"JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD - Watching Over - World Changers Church International"
Vision & message were as follows:
‘I AM’ is saying … to those who are listening ...
“I alone am God. There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be.” (Isaiah 43:10) ...
“I want the world to know … My Son, JESUS CHRIST, the Messiah promised, is the same yesterday, today, and forever!” ...
“I want the world to know … my Son, JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD … He lives … He is not in a grave, a tomb, dust or idol along with your ideas of your idol ‘gods’ … for He lives!” ...
“I want the world to know … before Abraham was, ‘I AM’ and still ‘I AM’ ...
“The prayers of my people amidst their suffering and persecution have been heard and I am about to answer those prayers. I am about to bring global revival, but not before I see humble repentant hearts removed from their denominational pride and self-glorifying ministry titles, actions, and ambitions that I do not and did not approve of.” ...
Stop judging others, especially fellow believers who are blessed the way I have chosen to bless them for knowing all of my word and yet you, limited to some of my word, who are nothing but pompous denominational leaders playing religion … and did I not state that you are to live in unity with fellow brothers and sisters in my name? ...
Stop adding to my word … Stop taking away from my word …
Stop pretending to be someone or something you are not …
Stop teaching, speaking, and praying in babbling tongues not authorized by The Holy Spirit … and no interpreter present? ...
Pray to me in private and in tongues with thanksgiving and expectations if you know how – but do as I say not as I don’t ...
Stop doing everything that my Son would not and did not do …
Stop the performance and showmanship amidst your sad exaggeration of MY holy, righteous, inerrant, and infallible living word ... and start speaking and preaching MY word as did My Son and Christ ...
‘I AM’ is not saying to those who are listening, to stop teaching what you have learned at the mercy of man's ideas and perspective, but rather, teach it accordingly and absolutely to MY word as it is written, nothing added, nothing taken away – all of it – not bits and pieces ...
But ‘I AM’ saying - no more Baptist this – Pentecostal that – Lutheran this – United Pentecostal that – Presbyterian this – First Baptist, Second Baptist, Southern Baptist – No – No – No more ...
Stop making my Holy Name unholy …
Do I enjoy allowing plandemics instead of blessings? ...
Start being about me, ‘I AM’, and about my Son with whom I am well pleased and who sits at my right hand weeping over what we see awaiting His return upon my command – for it may be today – tomorrow – next year or in twenty – but when it does – those who do not know me will – and those who do know me and are still playing games – not hot – not cold – but luke warm – I will not abuse my holiness or grace as ‘I AM’ spitting you out of my mouth – and you will not like the consequences before the calm of what I have always wanted to do for you – to bless you and love you.
10% of the free gift of grace given us confirms we are saved, to live even though we die (John 11:25) – HOWEVER – taking hold of 100% of grace according to 'ALL' the living word, tells us we are also already ... HEALED (1 Peter 2:24 - Matthew 8:17 - Psalm 91); SANCTIFIED (Hebrews 10:10); REDEEMED (Galatians 3:14); PROSPEROUS (John 10:10 - Psalm 37:11 - Deuteronomy 30:15 - Psalm 1:3)
STOP living with unnecessary worry, fear, and doubt, fulfilling Galatians 5:4 - WE are no longer under the law ... we are under grace - John 1:17 - thank you, Jesus!