In my post, 'The Love of God Overrides Our Lack of Faith - The Cabal is Going Down,' I closed it off with the following question and graphic:
What will you do when you receive back, every penny ever paid in income tax, taken from you illegally since your very first job in life; as the monsters behind the PlanDemic, the Cabal, created their world to thrive and prosper off the debt of you and we the people?

The evidence will soon be presented - the Cabal and its PlanDemic is going down - as history will be seen for what it has been - a curse for the most part, that has truly corrupted and brainwashed the mind of man, without him having the slightest indication it was actually taking place.
The most shocking truth will come about when Princess Diana, presumed dead, gives testimony of the fake Royalty of the UK, and the real story behind them *** and when Robin Williams, presumed dead, gives testimony of the foul and demonic Hollywood, and the real story behind their sickening history *** and when J. F. K. Jr., presumed dead, gives testimony of too many issues to name, including those responsible for the assassinated of his father, President J. F. K. Sr., perhaps the global populous will begin to awaken to the reality that they have been gravely misled, embracing the darkest lie known to man, while losing family to death of poison and/or disagreement, to lifelong friendships, careers, and businesses, as a direct result.
The trillionaire, billionaire monsters behind the Cabal, have lived to chase the money for the evil freedom it could provide them; funding power (money talks), incorporating global takeover of all central banking, MSM, SM, amazon's, googles, facebooks, youtubes, and pharmaceutical degenerates, to push every demonic agenda to the max, while also controlling every sector of life and business imaginable, infiltrated by 'THEIR' appointed doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, judges, attorneys, engineers, professors, philosophers, on and on, including easily deceived denominationally proud Christian leaders, and the seminaries they represented; but God knows all things and is revealing all that is hidden.
So, what is meant by the question of the post title, "Will you embrace the curse, the freedom, or the blessing?"
When the distribution of the unfathomable, already seized and confiscated, multiple trillions upon trillions of the devil's Cabal, is placed back into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE, directly into your new, CENTRAL-BANKING-FREE bank account, the question is, will you embrace the curse, the freedom, or the blessing?
In other words, looking at the quote above, will you move forward, chasing even more money, falling into the trap of more, more, more, which is the curse?
OR - will you embrace the freedom that comes with your inevitable financial windfall, living like you never thought possible, buying this, buying that, me, me, me?
OR - will you capitalize on learning from the past, especially the evil that has stolen a good chunk of your life in just the past few years alone, and seek out financial wisdom and investment advice so that you can be a blessing, not just to self, but to others, making the world a better place?
Chasing money truly is the curse; the love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself! Having money is the freedom, intended for good, not for evil! Knowing what to do with the money, is the blessing; spending what is returned, not the principle, which in turn can be passed on to your children's children to continue the legacy.
The second half of Proverbs 13:22 teaches, "... but the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly," and that is exactly what is taking place this very day. It is being seized BY THE HAND OF THE LIVING GOD, through the leaders He has long ago selected, from the hands of the Cabal and its trillionaire/billionaire monsters, who have lived by and for their sinful nature - and as promised in the living word as shared, it will be passed on to the godly - returned to the countries and people in which it was stolen from.
Yours truly is believing that Jesus Christ Living God is using this deep dark demonic attack on mankind, for His ultimate purpose - that the world at large, even for a season, will see what they need to see, how very real the devil is and can be, and that they will repent of their sins (for all have sinned) by the mercy of God, discovering the truth that sets them free, living on even though they die with their soul secured for all eternity; for there is no other way but through Jesus.
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authorship books HERE or HERE to assist Pastor Kevin after losing his career to the PlanDemic and all income sources ... while knowing, Jesus knows and all will be taken care of that you may very well play a role in, amen, and thank you ... thank you, Jesus!