As the global masses sit idle, oblivious to the horror building its ranks around them, closing in as cattle or sheep corralled into pens, the fewer in number remain divided and on edge, including its share of Christians insisting on being right for all the wrong reasons, ignorance and pride actually, avoiding and judging fellow Christians believing another perspective, as though they were the one's not getting it, AND YET, both are sadly guilty of helping said truth become the most hated faith on earth; thus what I feared happened, what I dreaded came true, as the American Mid-Term Elections 2022 are stolen as with the 2020 Presidential Election, furthering mans entitlement to sleep in the bed he has made - NOT GOOD!
Only a literal miracle, a one-eighty, evident for THE ENTIRE WORLD to see for themselves, just how dark, stenchy, appalling, and evil we the people everywhere have become as a direct result, as noted, of ignorance and pride - refusing to embrace the only inerrant and infallible living word, the Holy Bible as the truth it is and we need. Instead, we have corrupted, debated, and overcomplicated a simple faith into a smorgasbord of ideas.

Speaking of the election and a smorgasbord of ideas, amidst confusion, a true and common position, I found myself caught up with this wonderful man this morning, bearing bold faith in Jesus HERE, and yet HERE, from the same program, McAllister TV, gravely deceived into the hoky-poky of alien coffins. Lights are on, but nobody's home. WHY? There are full fledged serving Christians who boldly claim truth in the likes of aliens, evolution and time travel - when scripture refutes it and contradicts such a position - doesn't and cannot fit.
Exodus 20:3, repeated in Deuteronomy 5:7 tells us plainly, "You must not have any other god but me."
For clarification, 'god' or 'god's' is idolatry, and not 'GOD,' and is defined by Noah Webster in his 1828 dictionary, reading as following:
IDOL'ATRY, noun [Latin idololatria. Gr. idol, and to worship or serve.]
1. The worship of idols, images, or any thing made by hands, or which is not God.
Idolatry is of two kinds; the worship of images, statues, pictures, etc. made by hands; and the worship of the heavenly bodies, the sun, moon and stars, or of demons, angels, men and animals.
2. Excessive attachment or veneration for any thing, or that which borders on adoration.
Who are we to discredit this definition, when the living God also tells us plainly, "I alone am God. There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be."
Who are we to discredit the only inerrant and infallible text known to man, boasting of the CEO of the universe, the author of life, promised Messiah, and Savior of the world, and proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt?
Who are we, as mere humans, as the created, not the Creator, to add or take away from the living word when we are told not to - Revelation 22:18-19 | Deuteronomy 4:2 | Deuteronomy 12:32 | Proverbs 30:6?
Who are we to complain about what life is dishing out, when our heads are either buried in the sand, or consumed by technology and living on the likes of facebook (investing billions to kill us), or its marketplace (buying more of what we don't need), knowing everything about the weather, and zero about the world falling apart around us, including the agenda of those monsters behind the election fraud, who are also part of the Cabal behind the PlanDemic, with billions of bodies now full of injected poison, having zero to do with health?
This link HERE - or linked to each graphic below, will lead you to the timestamps shown.
These graphics identify hidden agendas, past, present, and future, of what's really going on behind the scenes, behind the Cabal, behind the PlanDemic, behind the fraudulent elections across the globe, behind the MSM, behind the SM, because they own it all - brainwashing and locking down the world - again, NOT GOOD!
Perversion of any style led by satanism
Real people, real events, pedos, chaos & confusion
Satanist clubs, muslim/islamic prayer time, divide & conquer, with cancelled Judeo-Christian anything
PS: With all due respect, the following indentation, is an invite just received from a Christian leader, showing how sad of an example we Christians are setting, because of our inability to teach as Jesus would teach, void of denominational limitations, pride, legalism, and works.
Since the pandemic many people have suffered with depression and mental health issues. We have invited a Christian psychotherapist to speak Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. Friday evening program will focus on foods that affect moods. Saturday afternoon there will also be a panel discussion of other Christian mental wellness professionals, discussing the mind and body connection.
Thank you, Jesus for your mercy upon this very dark, dark world, and that we Christians can awaken from our negligence of trusting in ALL your living word, living without unnecessary worry, fear, and doubt that comes as a direct result of 'Performance Based Christianity' teaching - and instead we can know that we are not only your masterpieces, and your prized possessions by faith and faith alone, but we can also expect to receive if we will just believe and not doubt, along with being satisfied according to Matthew 5:6 seeing a PlanDemic not a pandemic, that tells us plainly - "God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied," hallelujah amen!