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In setting the stage, no matter who said, "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction, where the world will have a generation of idiots," the important thing is, were they right or wrong, and where do you fit in?

This became you when you played your part in helping build multi-billion dollar platforms, such as facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube, amazon, google, who became the very same platforms reinvesting 'your dollars' directly or indirectly, into fake vaccines to kill you.

The real kicker, every day, especially today, July 2022, this became you, as you rose, already still connected, to your SM waste-of-time brainwashing network, to post that you just passed gas; burped only to upchuck last nights dinner or hangover; the funniest child giving their parent the finger; this is me sipping coffee from my yard-sale bargain mug; or no, it wasn't Einstein that said that, it was Linkletter, and here's the proof! Or posting, "can you believe those anti-vax-lunatics, they should all be taken out back and shot, etc.

FOR THIS has become you, as the driver or passenger of the car you're in, on the airplane, the bus, in the taxi, or by the pool, at the BBQ, office desk or party, or in the bathroom between sex with the excuse you have to pee, but only to see who liked your posts.

AND YET, the extended kicker is, you're the one who gave permission to inject the fake poison vaccine into your body, zero to do with health, because your attention span was stolen through ignorance, disallowing you the mind to actually think the killer-shot through for yourself.

I know what you're thinking, I'm the idiot, not you, but logic doesn't quite measure up. The latter part of the above truth shared, confirms it's you affected and infected for the rest of your life; you lost your attention span, sense of being, giving it away in exchange for what?

The sooner you STOP USING THESE DEMONIC SM PLATFORMS, that were designed and succeeded at brainwashing you, and billions of others, and looking into the evidence to discover truth, in which the MSM is simply not sharing because they're part of the problem, in a major way, the greater the chances are for you to have the poison within you reversed, or at the least, to counteract the damage done.

Perhaps learning a bit more about a computer guy, turned medical advisor overnight, with no degree, investing unfathomable billions as his own world savior, to exercise his eugenics background and training, to depopulate (vaxx) mankind with utmost discretion.


Or access everything needed HERE if serious about knowing truth, and perhaps save your life - because knowing vaxx-truth, PLUS inerrant and infallible truth will indeed set you free.

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying." John 11:25


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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