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They have us right where they want us! We've been programmed to believe what the Cabal, Illuminati, the Committee of 300, the devil himself wants us to believe!

With that said, what we believe, affects our present and our destiny - Only one void of a functioning brain, can deny the idiocy of what is taking place around us today; PlanDemic my fanny - lol!

Over one hundred thousand medical professionals from around the world, risking licenses and careers, have said from day one, "Nothing to support masks, lockdowns, or pandemic status," yet the the medical lying minions behind it all, led by the Deep State of Washington, DC., and China, along with the likes of CDC, WHO, and many country leaders, etc., refuse to provide third party pathologist accountability for just one covid death, which they cannot do when it doesn't exist, and no thanks to paid off judges and government powers, too high up to touch, who should be holding said pious monsters to account, and do not.

"I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them." Deuteronomy 32:35

Let's be honest here, our world is morally bankrupt, segregated from the absolute truth of the living God. With MSM leading the way, well funded by said deep state and Cabal leadership to propagate mind programming and manipulation, our world is currently bowing to falsehood, which has no validation other than mythology and the word of man behind the corruption. As a result of this misleading, through denial of truth, forced or otherwise, the heart undeniably remains callused, full of pride and self will, harboring the foulness of evil, evidenced by the abomination of greed, envy, murder, deceit, gossip, slander, and hatred, to name a few.

The heart of man, woman, and child can only be changed by their Creator, the living God (Divine Accomplishment), and not by self, someone, or something created by man (Human Accomplishment.)

Who do we Trust? Where do we Turn? What do we Believe?

To ignore the truth of the living God with the power to resolve our societal, ever increasing dilemmas, is to embrace the very sinful acts that lead to imprisoning and destroying us all, especially that of judging our fellow man, for which we have become masters; and even the Christian, in their denominational pride, judge both, fellow believers and the world.

“Man Gives us Religion – God Gives us Truth” - is a book written in response to people seeking answers around Religion, Bible, Heaven, Hell, Truth, and the likes; Who do we trust? Where do we turn? What do we believe?

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

And we have the Pope and his Vatican, although not surprising nor judging, or the Queen of England, and the entire Royal Family, and celebrities including Tom Hanks, Jim Carey, Will Ferrell, and thousands of political leaders and medical and pharmaceutical clowns, arrested, imprisoned, or executed already for their hideous crimes against humanity (lists below) - is it any wonder people are concerned and asking such questions? Will people be able to handle the truth when the likes of the following names alone go public?

To live outside of truth is to deny the soul an eternal pardon, leaving it hostage to falsehood, temporal and mortal gratification, blinded to eternal condemnation; not a wise position. Augustine quoted: “The soul remains restless until it finds its rest in God.” Our shortfall today is, 'god or God?’

A clear distinction between fact and fiction is exposed in this book, Man Gives us Religion, God Gives us Truth - - - Man can do nothing for us, but a personal relationship with the living God, Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah and Savior of the world can, in an instant, secure your soul for all eternity, and the only requirement is a sincere heart.

Don't Just Become a Religious Christian Knowing About Jesus - Instead - Come to Know Jesus - the Author of Life

In closing, it is true, they have us right where they want us. We've been programmed to believe what the Cabal, Illuminati, the Committee of 300, the devil himself wants us to believe, with the MSM and SM playing key roles also! However - if you'd like to do some dismantling yourself, destroying the urges to be greedy, envious, deceitful, gossiping or perhaps trashing hatred within, once and for all, don't just become a religious Christian knowing about Jesus - instead - come to know Jesus - who is the author of life.


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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