Forty-three years ago, from personal experience, the local paper, Kingston Whig Standard, began their push from free speech to silencing all who disagree with the new conglomerate controlled narrative; a baby step forward in preparation for today's 'Castro Trudeau' and dictatorship over a country without a 'Constitution,' meaning 100% control for a Pedo.
Practically overnight we went from modestly owned and cooperative free-press, free-speech, to conglomerate, globally owned and controlled MSM narrative only, including the takeover of all small newspapers, such as the Heritage and Kingston This Week, as well as all radio networks, each one redirected on what they could and could no longer say, or print, without following the narratives of the newly established guidelines.
Money talks! Imagine, having a PlanDemic with zero evidence to support 'pandemic' status, and still, Federal Judges, politicians, and city councils all going along with it; and the real kicker is that the International Common Law Court of Justice (apart from our current and corrupt legal system), with twenty-six years of shared evidences, has declared ALL vaccines as GENOCIDE and all who support and/or administer said agenda as a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY - convicting 75 people, including evidence based proof of pedophile Trudeau, with the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of indigenous children in Canada alone.
One is simply paid off with a smile and whatever amount, financially, or promises of a great future, with the subtle understanding as a team player, you go with the flow.
So here we have our local city council, all smiles, and yet, clearly all liars; for one would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to know something strange is going on; adding the following graphic again - trusting we see beyond the ignorance of racism - and if you think this is a 'black' slave thing, WHO'S BEEN WEARING A MASK FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS?
And come March 21st, at least for those in Kingston, Ontario Canada, who have ever fallen for the ignorance of wearing a mask in the first place, could be mask-free, wow! A sigh of relief, it's over, finally back to normal. OMG, that's not how the communist/marxist game works, and their just getting started ... warming you up in preparation for the next strategy of fake, make-belief narratives of fear mongering - you're hooked!
I know, I'm spewing, just frustrated and angry, another anti-vaxxer, a conspiracist, right!
The problem with Canada, Justin 'Castro - Human Trafficker' Trudeau, and the world, is that 80% minimum, probably closer to 90% of global population, seeing and believing only what the controlled narrative is telling them, are in actual fact embracing the ultimate objective for New World Order and communist dictatorship - and only 20%, if lucky, of global population is fighting against it - meaning the odds are not in favor of preventing what appears to be our new future ... with freedom taking on a whole new meaning according to those doing the dictating.
The debate as to whether or not the devil actually exists, is as simple as seeing evidence on any topic, including the Holocaust for example, and having people still denying such an even took place - to hell with the facts and evidences available.
Or, there's America's Stonehenge, physically seen and literally known as The Georgia Guidestones, where a person can walk up to the stones and actually touch them, and read their 'PlanDemic' mentality inscriptions by the lunatics that would fund such a thing.
My friends, undeniably, we have long arrived at not only not believing WHAT WE CANNOT SEE, as in the inerrancy and infallibility of the living word in the Holy Bible, and Jesus Christ Living God, worse still, we have now succumb to the fact of not believing WHAT WE CAN SEE, touch and experience for ourselves, saying that it too cannot be real or true.