“Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” “You won’t die!” “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”
The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
Good coaching intentions of Rob Dial and others like him, are not the issue, but rather the impact upon others, without knowing of course, is, being the primary reason we are, where we are today, PlanDemic and its Cabal, with a corrupt and Nazi government included.
A/ we trust man the created first, and not God our Creator, plus ...
B/ The Oldest Cliché - 'Your Thoughts Change Your Reality,' is no different than the devil deceiving Eve into not believing God, by twisting His truth into a lie.
The devil manipulating Eve, to question God's stern warning, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die,” was in fact the devils script of lies, passed down through generations to always question and replace truth (that sets man free), with what appears to be truth, but nothing more than empty hope - the ultimate demise for the soul of man.
Angela, another 'Mindset Mentor' from the UK., suggests seven key points to her strategy for mentorship - (with my Emphasis in italics) ...
We often know what we want and sometimes we just need guidance to find the way forward.
(Just as the devil did to Eve, feeding her false information to question what God really said, so is Angela, Rob Dial, and countless others like Tony Robins, feeding the people with empty words, appearing as much more than quick-fix - anything to avoid God and sin within us - Romans 3:23 - "For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard." And Colossians 2:3 tells us "In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," and not Pastor Kevin, Angela, Rob, or Tony Robins).
Me listening, really listening is the very first step to support you to find your forward. Sometimes when we are truly listened to, the step we need to take becomes clearer.
(So, here we are listening to the created {Angela}, rather than the Creator {God}!
Matthew 12:30 tells us - "Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me." So, if someone is not for the inerrant and infallible truth as found in the living word of Jesus Christ Living God, then they are spreading the same false hope as the devil used in deceiving Eve.)
Through face-to-face, online Mindset Mentoring, I guide you towards an even better sense of who you really are.
what you really want more of
what you really want less of
how you can create an even better future for yourself
(To embrace the insight of Angela, Rob, Pastor Kevin, or anyone, and not use the only inerrant and infallible living truth available to man as a sounding board, considering Proverbs 3:5-6 alone that teaches, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take," is to be trusting man, not God, thus the cause of rushing into an evil PlanDemic, all masked up and full of poison, with zero to do with health; so who's to blame?)
By assisting you to expand your already bursting toolkit of talent (We say what we do not know - especially an online faceless mentorship), you can:
remove a rut
make even better life choices
find your flow (What flow? Mysticism, Spirituality, flow from the universe, all evil)
overcome an obstacle
move forward (By who's authority - who's path, who's wisdom?)
become the best version of you (By who's authority? Are we God?)
(It is God who knows all things before they happen - It is He who created you and has a hope and a plan for your future waiting for you that matches you DNA that no one else can accomplish)
Are you in a situation or rooted to the spot. When we are in this place, we are unable to see, we are essentially often very much in our own heads.
(Read the above two lines a couple times! This is a perfect example of man/woman trying to do God's job; what on earth do those two lines mean?)
I'm here to help you take your first step.
(Thus our gravest problem on earth - following man/woman {created}, to lead us, and not God {Creator})
My absolute belief: there is always a way forward!
(Indeed, Angela has this last line correct - we can follow her, Rob Dial, Tony Robins, or even Pastor Kevin in moving forward - OR - we can follow the inerrant and infallible truth of Jesus Christ Living God, who never lies, lived without sin, defeated death, and promises us in John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying," and to make certain we don't take a false path, tells us in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.")
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' - 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' - 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) - and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool ... I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!