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The Most Frustrating Disheartening Discontented Time in my Life

In my shy of sixty-four years, I have never felt more defensive, discouraged, and unhappy all at the same time - indeed the most frustrating, disheartening, discontented time in my life.

I'm defensive, even though I know better because of my faith, frustrated beyond words of having to defend my position, PlanDemic not pandemic, with people looking at me like I have three heads, family included. I've lost my health field career, and friends to suicide, not to mention, knowing this whole scheme has been a farce; yet empathetic of the billions believing such a lie, and unwilling to do their own homework reviewing evidences available.

I'm discouraged, considering so many fellow Christians have fallen prey to the devil's mandates over trusting their God, but in life itself, when the living word tells us in so many words that we are invincible in Christ; we can do all things in and through Him; we are healed of all sickness and disease; if God is for us, who or what can be against us; if we make JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD our refuge, no evil can conquer us, no plague can come near our home - BUT SADLY - THE MAJORITY OF CHURCH LEADERS lead by bowing to the devil, the god of this world, all masked up and vaxxed, which is truly and deeply disheartening!

I'm happy for salvation because of my faith, yet unhappy for the deception that has taken the global masses by storm, causing chaos, suicide, career/business loss, loss of hope, faith and trust in our fellowman, looking like fools, listening to the MSM (Mainstream media), who are part of the same demonic minions behind said hoax. Fair to say I'll remain discontented until the truth is exposed and I'm no longer seen as the 'CRAZY ONE.'

I know who's in control! I know He will not let us down! I know much is going on behind the scenes for the betterment of our future! I know the living word in the Holy Bible is full of inerrant and infallible promises spoken by God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, proven beyond measure of being divine - AND STILL we follow the crowd, man and his religiosity, playing and creating god from mere figments of imagination; serves us right!

The most frustrating disheartening discontented time in my life, is my mere confession as a Christian leader that I DON'T KNOW how long God will drag this on; seven, forty, four hundred more years? The church is so far off base because of denominational, doctrinal pride, tossing in everything from mysticism, spirituality, new age, evolution and even alien consideration that, if truly frank, why on earth would God show us mercy, and honor His grace, apart from not being a man that He would lie, considering, He promised not to destroy all life by flood again, not that He wouldn't allow us to destroy ourselves!

If I were God, this would be over already, for He is patient, I am not. You see, "The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent" - but we do have a problem with such words as 'repent,' or 'sin,' don't we?

In closing, when the truth is revealed, we must never forget as quickly as did the Hebrew people after being rescued from Egypt, of what God has done for us. We must run to JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD, for He and He alone is our headship, the cornerstone of life moving forward, Divine Accomplishment (God), and not Human Accomplishment (man) - and the best way to do this, is to dump all denominational and doctrinal pride, and teach according to 2 Timothy 3:16, ALL of God's living word in His sixty-six books as found in the Holy Bible, nothing added, and nothing taken away - and in this way, He will lift us up accordingly, never to be deceived so openly and willingly again, amen and amen, thank you, Jesus.

PS: To sum things up ... I hate religion/religiosity ... I love Jesus!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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