The idea of an all you can eat buffet, in a similar fashion, might easily be compared to the smorgasbord of man's religion and ideas of God. In either case, very few have the will power to avoid over-indulging with a little bit of this, and a little bit of that - and that's before discovering that our food has been deliberately poisoned by the Cabal for the slow kill (causing disease) for centuries - and apart from the Holy Bible, 66 books only, man's religion, his denominations, and additions to the living word, are all 100% pure evil.
Something says there's a window of opportunity on the horizon. As in, an awakening to truth by definition; man's assumed idea of truth, and newly evidenced, 'literal truth.'

The word 'revival' according to Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary, is defined as - return or recovery from a state of neglect, oblivion, obscurity or depression; as the revival of letters or learning. Renewed and more active attention to religion; an awakening of men to their spiritual concerns, - and this too, in my humble opinion, a holy revival, will play a most significant role during this same window of opportunity.
Speaking of over-indulging, and if you think my perspective sounds like lunacy, check out the latest from one of the MSM monsters HERE!
In regards to the newly evidenced, literal truth exposed, that would be the PlanDemic, with overwhelming evidences to awaken the world, shocking it to the core.
As for the revival, that will be a spiritual awakening, by the mercy of God, where the minds of the people will be drawn to the inerrant and infallible truth that has long been propagated to them and their ancestors as the lie; thus the reason the name, Jesus, was seldom heard, while the never ending list of demonic lies and liars, has been heralded as the truth; evil is the absence of Jesus Christ Living God, not god, gods, or goddesses, which is idolatry.
The book 'Jesus Christ Living God - How & Why We Must Connect,' is laid out as 'The Full Course Meal' following brief introductions, to the acronym Y O U | A R E | W O R T H | I T
When we are shown in such a simple fashion, 'HOW' to secure our soul for all eternity, to live on, even though we die (John 11:25), literally, then the 'WHY' we cling to such inerrant and infallible truth, and not to the lies we have been deceived into believing as truth, with zero to support the claims, other than ONE MAN'S idea of God, you may find yourself jumping for joy and shouting HALLELUJAH!
In closing, said acronym for this book is laid out as follows:
The Full Course Meal - (The 'HOW' & 'WHY')
Y/ O/ U | A/ R/ E | W/ O/ R/ T/ H | I/ T
Y/oke…we live and learn from the yoke of God
O/verseer…we live with the gift of an overseer
U/nity…we live in unity with all men
A/bstain…we live abstaining from all unrighteousness
R/epent…we live in righteousness through repentance
E/dify…we live to edify others of the grace and love of God
W/ork…we live, work and do all things as unto Him
O/bey…we live to obey honest correction and rebuke
R/ejoice…we live to rejoice in our freedom and peace of mind
T/ithe…we live to give (tithe) in furthering His absolute truth
H/umble…we live in humbleness at all times, void of pride
I/nheritance…we live in His inheritance, which is also ours
T/hanksgiving…we live to give thanks for all things in Christ’s name
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' - 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' - 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) - and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool ... I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!