The challenge no pro-vax leader will take, comes with a simple and unique twist, a challenge contrary to what one might think, as in providing third party pathologist accountability to prove pandemic status in the first place - BECAUSE - that too, on its own, has long been blocked by law, as with all truth of the PlanDemic, from having to reveal said evidence to the world; the devil is not stupid - yet stupid enough to actually believe he can pull this off for longer than what the living God will use said ploy to draw people to Him!
So what is this challenge?
Let me lead you to the challenge, by first beginning with my reply to a friend with her own serious challenges, Christian, well grounded, who had to leave her son's home and lovely granddaughter with no place to go but shelters, because her son is pro-vax, making her life too miserable in said home. And now, my friend finds herself unemployable, because of deceived employers (no vax, no mask, no work), and without a means to an income, because the government only funds those who will believe the lie and be vaxxed, wear a diaper on their face, look like a fool (idiot), and obey the six foot distancing rule that is literally a satanic ritual that must be obeyed by all who worship the devil.
My response follows!
FIRST HALF - in reference to the above graphic - "FURIOUS AS IN, as God's Most Imperfect Christian Leader, I'm professionally pissed and frustrated over this whole mess, especially considering government is pushing values and principles, good people, and particularly and deliberately Christians to the curb, wayside, and into poverty, desperation, and starvation if need be, especially if single, and no income or means to make any by way of deliberate government enforcement *** IN SIMPLE TERMS *** ALL MEANING, ANTI-VAXXERS who choose to still think for themselves by not caving and believing in the biggest lie and deception in history, with zero to do with health, and zero third party pathologist evidence available to support such lunacy anywhere on the face of the plant, giving permission to inject poison into their body, wear a diaper designer mask that provably does 'NOTHING - NUMERO-UNO' for protection, but rather, also provably, does everything to encourage sickness, infection, and disease by wearing them *** PLUS *** use the six foot distancing mandate which is a satanic worshipping ritual in itself *** NO THANKS AND OVER MY DEAD BODY, NOT HAPPENING!"
SECOND HALF, "again as in GOD'S MOST IMPERFECT CHRISTIAN LEADER saying to any one claiming the Christian title, in or outside a church, supporting any part of this whole PlanDemic fiasco, obeying the slightest mandate, with the audacity to claim that YOU ARE KEEPING GOD'S CHURCH OPEN *** SHAME ON YOU #1 for bowing to the devils rules and not God's rules, with unwavering doubt as you should be, especially under grace, believing in the irrefutable, inerrant, and infallible living word of Psalm 91 alone!"
"And SHAME ON YOU #2 for scriptural misinterpretation, actually believing that you and all of God's 'PERFECT CHRISTIANS' are to support an oppressive anti-people, depopulation government, pushing and encouraging lies and deception, rather than a people-first government, led by an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD, who is about to SPIT YOU OUT OF HIS MOUTH because of your Not Hot or Cold, But Luke Warm Faith, as in Revelation 3:15-16 alone *** WELL SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on you."
"But I choose to stand firmly, without doubt with my brother, Joshua, AND MY FRIEND AND JOINT-HEIR AND BROTHER, JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD according to Joshua 24:15 that states confidently and boldly, (in brief with emphasis):"
"But if you refuse to serve the LORD (wholeheartedly), then choose today whom you will serve (the devils rules or God's rules). But as for me and my family (my heart), we (I) will (choose to), serve the LORD.”
But Wait, What is the Challenge?
Dear Pro-Vax Leader, my challenge to you is simple, proving one thing and one thing only - that the pandemic is in fact a PlanDemic, and that there never has been anything to warrant a pandemic status, the wearing of masks, or worshipping the devil with six foot distancing - nor has anyone needed to die from said lie, Sooooo ...
MY CHALLENGE IS SIMPLE! My house for your house - cut & dried - you provide third party pathologist accountability proving there really is a pandemic, and my house becomes your house, I sign off, no questions asked. ON THE OTHER HAND, when you cannot provide this accountability information, as proven in court by those who made it that far, your house becomes mine, you sign off, no questions asked.
Considering only cowards hide behind their politically correct positions, proving yourself innocent, DARE YOU ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE? And if so, let's go international television, exposing your bogus lies and ignorance, so WE THE PEOPLE can get back to living our lives.
PS: As noted in other correspondence, all pro-vax leaders will be held accountable and found out for the form of payoff you have received in supporting this sad and grave lie.