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The Awesomeness and Power of Knowing Inerrant Infallible Truth

Such a profound statement as this post title proclaims, would have been thought absolutely foolishness and ridiculous prior to the fall of 1987, about two weeks after being asked to leave my second matrimonial home.

Upon first discovering said truth, it took me an additional twenty-nine years to finally, if I may use the term, 'see the light,' of the awesomeness and power that comes with it.

Thing is, this is not about some figment of my imagination, as in hoky-poky, wishy-washy mysticism and speculation that comes with playing 'god,' as in one of the many direct mind manipulation games the devil has been using since the Garden of Eden - and more specifically - since Jesus defeated death and the grave by rising from the dead, as foretold and prophesied many years prior; with more evidence of said event, than the existence of evidence that such people as, Alexander the Great ever lived.

Please don't take my bold position as pride flaunting his God before your 'god,' ... as in ... if you don't know Jesus Christ Living God as your personal Lord & Savior, for nothing could be further from the truth. My brief website bio, genuinely and humbly states the following:

"The most important thing to me 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year is you! Since childhood, my passion always found me drawn to others, especially if different than myself; language, accent, color of skin, nationality, culture, and beliefs. My M.R.S., degree is a direct result of this fascination, respectfully curious and genuinely interested in people; agreeing, or agreeing to disagree, is a position we must never lose.

dare YOU ponder this game of life, knowing we are not god, is a free wixsite/my-site attempt to first and foremost deliver a truly love all judge none message; values and principles, integrity, accountability, and people-first leadership, is in dire need, and my desire is to share ideas that deliberately incorporate these timeless, long-lost nuggets."

Yours truly doesn't come to you while sitting high on a mountain in a marble staircase home, looking down upon the commoners. You'll notice, my website, still, at the time of authoring this post, is a 'FREE -' website. After losing my twenty-year career in the health field because of the biggest lie known to man, a PlanDemic disguised as a pandemic, I also lost all sources of income, unable to wear a mask, and in evidence that this whole fiasco is indeed a lie, being the first time ever, where a vaccine is accepted or you don't eat - forgive me, but that is truly and seriously so laughable, lol, lol, lol, lol, O M Goodness!

The awesomeness and power of knowing inerrant infallible truth, at a time like this, literally explodes inside of you, both for the good, and for the bad - let me explain that.

Briefly, because I could go on and on with evidences and proof for pages and pages of the good that man always seeks to pretend he wants to know, only when his pride is fighting against said truth, let me put it simply; the Holy Bible in the only book known to man that is absolute, undeniable, irrefutable, inerrant, and infallible, and in perfect sync from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, with a four hundred year break between the Old Testament and the New Testament - while also taking into consideration forty+ God-inspired authors who brought together, all 31,173 verses worth; THAT'S THE GOOD!

As for the bad, it might be briefly compared to a curse, but a good curse, as in, knowing too much information, such as, "I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see" - from the song, Amazing Grace, by John Newton.

Meaning, even though you know this truth, but never ever as much as your teacher, as in, God/Jesus Christ Himself, for He is the Creator and we are the created, when we're looking evil in the face, day in and day out, seeing the world's true colors when others cannot, because they know not of this truth, we get caught up in wanting to strangle people at times, while having to pull ourselves back, over, and over, and over again, that's not, Jesus! Plus, we too, were once blind and unable to see the truth, just as those who do not believe.

IN OTHER WORDS - it is of the devil in them, seriously, and not a game to be taken lightly, for the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, aiming to keep people, deaf, dumb, and blind, from the truth that sets them free - the very truth you have found and they have not because of the devils deceptive ways. So, my friend, it is not the the fault of the one you want to strangle, but rather, as Flip Wilson used to say, "The Devil Made Me Do It," and truer words, even in comedy, were never spoken - for he deceives them so.

So, the awesomeness and power of knowing inerrant infallible truth begins by understanding why such a thing as 'GRATITUDE' was given us in the first place. And using a familiar repetitive reference once again, just as we cannot get blood from a stone or truth from a lie, so we cannot fully comprehend the change within us that can only truly begin, when the inerrant infallible truth within us, not worldly or man-manipulated truth, puts gratitude into action. For example:

Heavenly Father, THANK YOU for all things in Jesus name

THANK YOU that your living word teaches us in EPHESIANS 5:20to “give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.“

THANK YOU for this day that I can rejoice and be glad in it, because your word says I can in (Psalm 118:24)

THANK YOU that you rescued me from being your enemy, to being your ally & your friend - John 15:15 - the moment I accepted your free gift of salvation (born-again) - Romans 10:9 + Matthew 12:30

THANK YOU that I became a child of the Almighty God – son/daughter and brother/sister – to your first Son, my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29)

THANK YOU that I became a joint heir, with Jesus, in the Kingdom of heaven (Romans 8:17)

THANK YOU for predestining my salvation (Ephesians 1:5 + Romans 8:29)

THANK YOU for dying for me while I was still a sinner (Romans 5:8)

THANK YOU that I am the righteousness of God (Romans 3:22)

THANK YOU for leading your servant to become worthy of fulfilling your will for my life (Romans 12:2)

THANK YOU for your wisdom, knowledge (Colossians 2:3)

THANK YOU for your understanding and power (Jeremiah 51:15)

THANK YOU that I can accomplish all good things that my faith is prompting me to do (James 1:17)

THANK YOU that the name, Jesus be honored, bringing glory to You through the way I live and present myself to a hurting world (John 14:13)

THANK YOU that I have reason to live, to celebrate, and be joyful in daily living because I am healed by your wounds (1 Peter 2:24)

THANK YOU for taking all sickness and disease with you to the cross (Matthew 8:17) – meaning I am invincible to worldly attack and attempt to destroy my body (vaccines/drugs) and your good works (purpose) in and through me

THANK YOU that you and you alone control life & death (John 19:11)

THANK YOU that I can do all things in your strength (Philippians 4:13)

THANK YOU that because of you living in me – I am greater, stronger, and more powerful than anything that comes against me (1 John 4:4)

THANK YOU for the following six (6) examples – demonstrating how awesome you are as the only and true living God – (Isaiah 43:10 tells us) "I alone am God. There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be."

  1. YOUR beautiful and faithful love for me never changes, never falters, and never ends – it endures forever Psalm136

  2. YOU are who YOU claim to be: worthy of praise, awesome in creative power, and full of goodness. Psalm100

  3. YOU purposefully created me as an essential work of art, and YOU care about every little intricate part of me. Psalm139

  4. YOU are always my nurturing Shepherd whoknows just what I need at the exact time needed.Psalm23

  5. YOU are with me at all times, listening and eager to help. Psalm145

  6. YOU know me to be invincible because of who I am in YOU. Psalm 91

Knowing of many perspectives that can reflect on and share good intentions perhaps, of such certainty as described above, 'DIVINITY' is the absoluteness and provability that separates Creator from created, Divine Accomplishment from Human Accomplishment, making it possible, without doubt, to rejoice and jump for joy because we can walk, talk, breath and live every day of our lives, knowing that Jesus Christ Living God is not just some idol nor figment of our imagination – but rather the true and living God, author of life, promised Messiah, and Savior of the world - and proves it.

PS: 'I AM WHO I AM' sums it up by telling us in John 11:25 - "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."

PPS: No one has a right to judge another human being - or force one's belief upon another. We must strive to love all and judge none, agree to disagree - especially those who claim the Christian title, who should know better, and live as humanly possible by the example set by Christ Himself - amen and amen!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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