We are not comprehending the simple fact moving forward, 'KNOWING' there is zero evidence to support pandemic status - and as a result - we are willing to surrender our businesses, careers, and a life of true freedom, including free-speech, by being respectful and laying low, as some put it, to health and government officials leading us into a global communist takeover - frankly - New World Order; so take your pick - yes sir, no sir, for that is your new future, out of fear of standing and speaking boldly for what is right and wrong.
In a recent response to this whole matter, my heart shared as follows:
We have much of this all wrong! Respect is earned not taken for granted! Laying low not defending and standing for what is right, for our business, our investment, in this case, knowing there is zero evidence to support pandemic status or masks, keeps us exactly where we are and belong, having no one to blame but ourselves.
And gravely, this is only 1% of their control objective for communist new world order takeover, for they just need the majority to become submissive - less and less fight - cowardly fools - blind to the truth - willing to surrender, bow, and embrace, owning nothing, and living on a leash.
Yes, I am one of God's Christian leaders, His 'most imperfect' to be exact!
For much needed clarification, I wasn't always a Christian who sought out and understood 'ALL' of God's word, and instead, lived and taught bits & pieces of the living word, while being caught up in a denominationally proud and blind perspective. I too was doing my share of fulfilling God's warning to His faithful in Galatians 5:15 stating:
"But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another."
God has given us this warning, knowing all things in advance, for He is the Creator (Potter), we are the created (clay), to help us avoid the devil's inside-job of destroying said Christian faith from inside-out, by way of pride and the establishment of denominations, which are not scripturally based; yours truly was pulled aside, spiritually speaking, and convicted of his own self-righteous spirit, seeing only what spiritually blind (denominationally proud) eyes can see.
Only when a humble heart, from a Christian perspective, understands 'all of God's word,' can we move boldly forward, loving all, judging none, agreeing to disagree, and distinguish clearly between being bold and judging.
Jesus, casting the money changers out of the temple, proclaiming 'My Temple will be called a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves,' had nothing to do with judging and everything to do with being bold for what is right and wrong; he was judging only the actions that were being taken - His church is not a social club or marketplace.
Yes, we are to turn the other cheek; to seek peace and maintain it; if it is possible, live in unity and harmony; and have respect for authority -
- to the authority of government who are themselves doing wrong, as in dictatorship, PlanDemics, depopulation, on a people doing right, accused of doing wrong.
If a thief comes to our door, ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, it will not be the result of being hungry, for if it is, by all means, fill them up, and provide more for the road.
Otherwise, especially in a land of lawlessness with government such as communist/marxist, currently and still holding the world hostage going into 2022, the thief is always selfishly motived to take what is not theirs, and/or harm those in the way - and in my most humble and sincere manner of speaking, in my house that brings no trouble upon any man, am obligated to protect with my life, possessions and family, and will do so, in the name of Christ in me to the best of my ability, considering the uninvited problem came to my door.
So, tell me my friend! What is the difference in this scenario of my home, and protecting what is mine, than that of owning a business which is mine with time and finances invested, or a church owned by God, not man, and authorities, with zero evidence to support their PlanDemic agenda, telling me what I can or cannot do with my business or God's church?
Wrong is wrong, evil is evil, being bold is not judging - and although freedom has had to be earned in the past, our history all one big lie, and only as a direct result of the devil himself, behind a select few known as the 'Cabal' who have manipulated millions to follow their agenda, causing all war, all poverty and inequality, while brainwashing the masses through media controlled deadbeats to trust in them -
But until unmanipulated freedom can be achieved, and only by standing for what is right - if you're believing that bowing down, keeping a low profile, and being respectful and not wanting to hurt feelings or rock the boat for fear of making things worse, as if losing your life, your home, your career, or your business was not enough, then sadly, in actual fact, you're agree to the wonderful world of dictatorship, worthy of the mask, the oppression, and eventual genocide, because you're just a number in the eyes of those who rule.
Ephesians 2:10 tells us: "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
Hebrews 4:13 tells us: "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable."
You will find these thirty documentaries (pdf below) invaluable - bringing to life the depth of said manipulation.