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Running From the Truth is a Learned Trait

Shy of thirty-two (32) years of marriage, taking yours truly a 3rd time around to get it right, clearly far from perfect, prompts me to suggest that this post, ‘Running From the Truth is a Learned Trait,’ can be a wakeup call to assist us in many areas of life, otherwise, leading us repetitively, full circle, to the all too familiar common denominators -

- too many habits - going too long without correction - and being too proud to make change - thus moving us forward under our own directive through the influence of worldly appeal and all its deliberate distractions.

"Change is inevitable, but change starting with self is worthy of applause" - Author

Hindsight is always 20/20, and at sixty-four years of age, 'IF' I could do it over again, which we cannot, my choice would begin with a 180; but the curve ball is, my current path is exactly where I am supposed to be, encouraging 'YOU' to consider change - knowing truth!

All the Wrong People for all the Wrong Reasons

Take the above photo for example, by Kevin Butz, shared on Whether he created it and took the photo, or stumbled upon and shared, either way, the message is bold profound truth; the first hoax, to the best of my knowledge, to ever shut down the entire planet - a direct result of believing, trusting, following, and perhaps looking up to all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons - thus again, satisfying - Running From the Truth is a Learned Trait; should we not be running to or fighting for the truth?

The deliberate mind manipulation by the likes of, W.H.O, CDC, government medical and political leaders, and mainstream and social media giants, to name a few, directed and bombarded the global masses into believing what they wanted us to believe to bring their PlanDemic to life. Using the fear of death knocking at our door, for which no one should ever have died (BehindTheCurtainTV), was the distraction needed for two primary reasons:

  1. to bring down the USA, beginning with the removal of President Trump

  2. to avoid the discovery of their cash-cow, requiring a world-wide human trafficking, pedophilia, and pornography sting operation, to dismantle it - still as of January 2023.

“Marriages or hoaxes, right or wrong, black & white or color - no matter the topic, change can only happen when we have all the information void of manipulation” - Author

Another post, 'Black is Not White - One Plus One is Not Three - Two Wrongs do Not Make a Right,' is a great read to support a deeper appreciation for the immediate above quote, because when manipulation is factored into any topic, one is easily misled to actually believe the unbelievable that 'black could be white, one plus one could be three, and two wrongs could make a right.'

The above warped perspective matches those who support and propagate fraudulent voting, PlanDemics, socialism, marxism, and communist global control!

Perhaps it is Time to Re-assess

It is evident looking around us today, we are following the wrong headship, in dire need of unwavering, integral, and accountable people-first-leadership that is capable of loving all, judging none, and placing ‘ALL’ people ahead of the almighty dollar.

Dare we mention the name, Jesus when He teaches (2 Corinthians 6:14-16) - "How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols?"

If clear theft of an election, human trafficking, pedophilia, or pornography, is not wickedness, darkness, and firsthand evil by the devil himself, the opposite of truth and overflowing with idolatry, then what is; where do we stand, and to what or whom do we turn?

In closing, let me encourage you to take the next 1min 10 sec and watch a clear-cut video distinction between the intentions of the world and the intentions of our Creator - while considering that perhaps it is time to re-assess the team you are on.


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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