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Only Those Who Know Jesus Can Know Absolute Truth and Deception

Respectfully, only by seeing and walking in the light, which is the living truth of the living God, Who was, Who is, and Who always will be, found only within the pages of the Holy Bible, can we go from darkness into the light. Otherwise, we can only experience worldly truth within the worldly lie - like getting blood from a stone - absolute truth evades us.

John Newton, said it this way: "I once was lost but now I'm found. Was blind but now I see."

What the world sees as truth, are only lies proposed as truth - while the truth that sets man free, has long been proposed as the lie. This too will come as a surprise to those who do not know Jesus, because without truth we cannot know the truth needed for true freedom.

A good friend from years ago, by the name of, Joe Saunders, with whom I shared many musical platforms, mostly fundraising initiatives, passed into glory on December 16, 2021, and because of the deepest, darkest, and most deceptive lie known to mankind, a PlanDemic disguised as a pandemic, I am unable to say goodbye and offer personal condolences to family, because proof of double-vaccination is required; when Christians understand grace, to be vaccinated is placing faith in the world, not God - Psalm 91 alone is proof of the power and invincibility we have in Christ, if we will believe and not doubt.

The title of this post is specifically intended for those who do not know, Jesus as their personal Lord & Savior - author of life - promised Messiah - Savior of the world.

This post title also incorporates the word 'CAN' (know absolute truth and deception), because 'knowing about, Jesus,' is not the same as 'knowing, Jesus,' and sadly, many who came to know Jesus, a growing number of former great leaders, have fallen away from the truth because of deception, from inside and outside the church; the Christian will live even though they die, but are also prone to deception.

As a result, the deceived become almost like unbelievers, rather than those who believe and do not doubt; we cannot claim the Christian title and embrace the devil at the same time, as do many Neo-Calvinists, preaching a social-gospel and fellowshipping with the Muslim Brotherhood, deceived into believing Muslim and Christian worship the same God - NOT!

The devil is good, and he doesn't care if a Christian, leader or otherwise, is born-again, he simply needs to prevent them from accomplishing God's purpose within him/her, by deceiving them into believing his lies - and the above noted is as pure deception as it gets.

In closing, as a non-Christian, you may be thinking, "So, what is the advantage of trusting, Jesus as my Lord & Savior to direct my life, if I too can still be deceived into believing as I do without Him?"

ANSWER: Without Christ as your Savior, when you die, you die forever, for all eternity (Luke 16:19-31). With Christ as your Lord & Savior, even though you are or can be deceived, you will live even though you die, that's grace!

PS: If you are true to yourself, trusting in Jesus and His living word, nothing added, and nothing taken away from His inerrant and infallible word, drawing close to your (our) Creator, He will in turn draw close to you, and His love will lead you beyond the devil's ability to deceive you - so, my friend - get to know Jesus Christ Living God; the following can help!


Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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