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The System Has Been Thriving and Prospering on the Debt of the People

No matter who we are, what we believe, or where we live, we have been sadly and gravely deceived for centuries; most of our history has been a lie! Truth has long been discarded, kicked to the curb, and the system has been thriving and prospering on the debt of the people, you and I, and our forefathers, until debt-do-us-(they)-part.

Cancer cure has been hidden from us for over 40 years, and 6000+ patents for natural healing for over 80 years. Still trust the system, or believe the PlanDemic is a pandemic?

When brought to one's attention, a person can begin watching any movie produced under any topic over the past twenty, fifty, or hundred years, and the once hidden common denominator of oppression and everything evil begins to reveal itself, over, and over again, as plain as the nose on our face; in the movie Rambo III, dark entertainment plays out before our eyes - a heroic movie to the blind, and evil oppression to those who know truth.

Your faith, your country, your culture, your banking, your government, your news media, your everything, has long ago been stolen, manipulated, and/or disguised as truth, right before our eyes by a small global percentage group of extremely powerful and wealthy satanic elites, known as the Cabal, without a care for you, your family, or this world, other than their own selfish, arrogant, ignorant, perverted, and disturbing depopulating motives., with a sickening determination to replace law and order with chaos and confusion, human trafficking, pedophilia, satanism and child sacrifice.

The pdf below, leads to 30 documentaries, and if like most, you may be in the dark regarding what is actually taking place around us, and again, has been for centuries.

Not to frighten, however, we are in the midst of a very dark time in history, better known as spiritual warfare! In other words, Hollywood fiction has always been a hidden reality - MEANING - if you've seen it in a movie or on family television, especially horror, welcome to our new reality, until put in its place, sooner than later we are trusting.

With that said, the eyes, ears and minds of billions have been closed for a much greater purpose above and beyond what man can comprehend.

Only a fool says there is no 'God,' as in the living God - who is still on the throne and in control, while dismantling real life spiritual demons at the heart and root of our current PlanDemic about to carry on into 2022; thank you Jesus for your mercy upon all who do not know you and for your grace over those who do, as you remove the devil and his lie currently holding your world hostage.

In closing, when noted that we have been deceived of pretty much everything imaginable in the fourth paragraph from the top, the Christian faith, Jesus Christ, the name everyone runs from, rather than running to as they should, is the devils 'BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT,' because the Cabal mastered this particular manipulation, determined to keep the only absolute, irrefutable, inerrant, and infallible truth known to man, from man; so, mention Jesus, and you're looked at like you have three heads; mention any other religious figure, and heads turn to listen, intently. Following the crowd is like quitting, it's just easier, and the truth that can set you free is in Christ and Christ alone; HERE & HERE!


Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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