I'm trusting this title doesn't frighten you, as in assuming, I have lost my marbles, for nothing could be further from the truth. In my defense, let me say this conversation follows approximately thirty-five years of connecting time with the living God, for there is no other, never has been, and never will be ... and therefore is something of significance to read.

This image, is of Nicodemus and Jesus (FreeChristImages), as found in their meeting as read in John 3:1-21, where Nicodemus is trying to understand the obvious concern of the term, 'BORN-AGAIN,' when really, if completely honest, who wouldn't genuinely be wondering how on earth a man/woman could enter and exit the womb a second time; and considering this tidbit is merely to explain away the graphic for this post, a conversation with God, Jesus Christ Living God, I will encourage you to read said conversation in the book of John (link provided), for yourself, for indeed an interesting one to say the least.
As for my daily conversations with God, and in particular since the beginning of the PlanDemic, rising anywhere from 0200hrs unable to sleep, it either begins or ends with, "How much longer God must this idiocy continue?"
My concern is not worry, God, knowing that you are in complete control of all that is happening before it happens, with the devil on a leash, but rather, in defense of my friends, brothers & sisters in Third World Nations, whom you also know better than anyone, who have already been suffering for centuries, with nothing but you for life and sustenance, as a result of deliberate war, oppression, and poverty brought upon them by the billionaire demonic nazi clowns, the same people behind the PlanDemic, so "why must they be included in such a fiasco, being forced into taking the FAKE VACCINE of a fake pandemic?"
I thank you for all things, even the lessons we are learning, or should be! I thank you most importantly for your mercy and your grace. If not for both, I wouldn't be here, nor would the three plus billion across the globe who have called on you for your free gift of salvation and are trusting in your living word and promises for life and all provisions provided, as myself.
I thank you that I am on your winning team, that I am invincible and have victory because of my trust and faith alone in you, as with all who have also placed their trust in you, and yet "how much longer must we wait for your resolve, how many more must suffer because of intentional poisoning, before you bring their demonic plans to steal, kill, and destroy to an end, once and for all, because of knowing you want all to repent sooner than later?"
I thank you on behalf of all who call on your name that we can come boldly to your throne of grace with our genuine concerns. Thank you that we can know you hear us and answer our prayers as soon as presented to you, and knowing that you know all our needs before we have a need, with the desire to fill them, and yet, "why is it, we must wait in frustration and confusion, not knowing all things until a later appointed time, while trying to figure out the riddle or rule of life, as the monsters appear to be winning with all the answers?"
"Lord, why must there be so much division and chaos, death and destruction, when you are capable of turning all to you just by saying so?"
Jesus, even though I cannot know all things yet, I thank you for what I do and can know, and that your inerrant and infallible living word confirms that while I was still a sinner, you died for me, and then, predestined me to believe in you as I do this very day, giving me, and all who believe, predestined, to have eternal life, to live on even though we die according to death by definition ... and for this, words cannot describe my (our) gratitude.
Thank you that the world at large can know that "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."
May this salvation be today ... and yet, your 'PERFECT' will be done, not ours.
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.
I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!