When a person has answers to many questions, that person can be seen or become known as, for this analogy, 'Mr. Perfect' (Mr. P), even when the answers, humbly provided, are correct; 'Mr. Perfect,' in other words, is preferably seen and not heard.
In confidence with Mr. Perfecto (Mr. P), a co-worker once shared during a business trip with him, that although he was well appreciated, he was also seen by his immediate peers as a, Mr. Know-it-all (Perfecto), even though not one example could be provided where he was wrong; simply put, being right too often, even when truth evades them, is simply not kosher, nor embraced.

Most are familiar with the term 'Don't Rock the Boat,' where the masses have become uninterested in the truth or what needs to be said. Rather, it's best to go with the flow, follow the crowd, mind our own business, and everything will be fine. How's that working for us?
"Mr. Perfect, we're not interested in hearing you, or your opinion and thoughts about what you think to be a PlanDemic, just because you're against being vaccinated."
How deep does this go? For starters, Mr. Perfect loses his twenty plus year career and one hundred percent of income, because of what he knows to be a lie, and no one wants to hear about it, even though those vaccinated are giving permission to have poison injected into their bodies that will affect them, and everyone around them, to the extent of taking a generation, or two, to have all side-affects gone and lives back as their maker intended.
Sadly, Mr. Perfecto's spouse goes against her husbands advice and receives a vaccination. But how foolish the world, and herself will look, when truth is known and photos with masks on, deceased assumed to have died from natural causes, cancer, or any number of causes, only to discover instead, deaths were a direct result of the lethal jab itself, soon after, or by destroying the DNA, and/or immune system given them by their maker.
And what on earth is meant by the term, 'their maker?'
That would be, as in, God, Jesus Christ Living God, the very inerrant and infallible truth Mr. Perfecto swears by, not because it is his God, but because said truth cannot be discredited, it is irrefutable on all counts, and the very truth the global populous has been brainwashed into believing to be the lie - while everything else to be the truth; literally, everything else, from Catholicism's 7 extra books, the book of mormon, Hinduism, Islam, Buddha, etc.!
Are you beginning to sense Mr. Perfecto's Lonely Dilemma?
Additionally, it's been said that Mr. P's biological father's last words from his death bed to him were, "you're not as smart as you think you are," with no plausible reason for making such a comment, considering this man's son was a true servant to both him and his mother, while living, and right up to the time of death; getting to appointments, doing their shopping, other errands, and always doing so faithfully.
Whether this comment was coming from God who knows all things (John 16:30 | Isaiah 46:10), as a warning for Mr. P to get more serious and draw closer to Him, or the devil speaking through his dad, to discourage him enough to give up and/or run away from his purpose intended by God, most definitely adds to the challenges and dilemma faced.
Although this journey can be a lonely one, Mr. P appreciates John 15:18 that teaches, "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first." So it's not like the loneliness experienced is unique to self or individual believers, but the result of human nature - until they know Christ, it remains their hatred of truth, ignorance of sin because of the evil in them. When someone is mean or intending harm to a believer, it is not them, but the evil in them.
There are a few things challenging Mr. Perfecto, where no one wants to listen.
From a Christian leadership perspective, we have a battle that has been taking place to destroy the Christian faith from the inside out, for centuries, and as demonically intended to fulfill Galatians 5:4 (Performance Based Christianity Teaching Because of Denominational Pride), and Galatians 5:15 (Because Denominational Doctrine Knows More Than Other Denominations; check out the devils youtube!)
From the PlanDemic perspective, one is deaf, dumb, and blind, not to see the lie, while at the same time, appreciating throughout the OT and NT scripture, God closed the eyes and ears and hardened the hearts, so His will would be accomplished.
Specifically, family and household, and 99% of friend and foe have fallen prey to the FAKE pandemic, thus being a tougher than preferred position knowing the truth, when everyone else believes the lie, and as of this writing, the latter is carrying on as though pandemic is over and life is getting back to norm, when nothing could be further from the truth, and only the Lord knows what's coming next.
And SADLY, the fear mongering that has been the duty of the MSM, owned by the Cabal behind the PlanDemic, is now coming to us from two directions, both evil and good; MSM as norm, and from the truth social media's established to share truth, but now posting doom & gloom, blaming the MSM lies, Cabal, PlanDemic etc., PLUS, fear mongering the truthers of upcoming apocalypses and/or invasions by aliens of some form, nuclear destruction, or zombies, robots, etc.; SADLY as in zero faith in the inerrant and infallible living word of JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD.
And still, there's the matter of, "IS THERE SUCH A CONNECTION TAKING PLACE BETWEEN GOD, TRUMP, WHITE HATS, AND A GLOBAL MILITARY ALLIANCE?" In other words, is there something divine taking place behind the scenes?
My heart (the Holy Spirit within me), says yes - while the world says yes and no. And even the yes's, continue to be up and down like roller coasters, with the majority of them still falling for the theories of everything from an apocalypse, spirituality, mysticism, aliens, potential nuclear destruction, and with no firm foundation in Christ what-so-ever, including those claiming 'In God We Trust.'
This makes me wonder, how firm of a foundation (Isaiah 7:9b) in Christ do these people have, clearly caught up in their own smorgasbord of beliefs in addition to 'In God we trust?'
If they are truly born-again, as in predestined (Romans 8:29/Ephesians 1:5), then God knew ahead of time before predestination of all their flaws, as with all of us, and because of grace, from salvation, all sins past, current, and future, forgiven and forgotten, said grace covers over this smorgasbord of misunderstanding; their purpose cannot help but be thwarted, sadly, to the devil's contentment, yet said demonic clown cannot take steal their soul saved for salvation and glory for all eternity in the Kingdom of heaven.
As to question, are they or were they ever truly born-again?
Acts 16:31 teaches: “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved"
With that said ... to believe this while caught up in emotion, rather than in acting in genuine faith, leaves the concern that perhaps the heart was really never changed in the first place.
Romans 10:9 teaches: "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
While V10 continues: "For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved."
In other words, faith to believe and not doubt, yes! But emotion to believe, heart unchanged, no!
*** In closing, regarding #1 point (a) noted above - it is not that denominational teaching is doing what they do deliberately, but rather disappointingly, they are leaving those they teach with the idea that they must continue to earn God's blessings, doing this, or that, to make them happen - and THAT IS NOT GRACE, but the law, and Jesus freed us from the curse of the law, bringing to us, grace & truth.
Now you know, Mr. Perfecto's Dilemma; not good, not bad, but challenging.
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.
I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!