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Military Legit vs Military Illegit United States of America

A constitutionally proud nation, and rightfully so, finds itself falling apart at the seams, leaning more and more to a different kind of war - not civil thus far - but just as sadly, military legit (President Donald J. Trump), vs military illegit (Fake cabalish & satanic Joe Biden).

Military Legit stands for the expression, WE THE PEOPLE, or Make America Great Again (MAGA), while the Military Illegit stands for everything contrary, pushing their narrative by way of well funded and globally controlled MSM, under what is best described as marxist Marxism; promises and promises appearing as real, but hidden behind mountains of lies, deception, and manipulation to lead its people and the world surrounding it, into chaos and confusion through divide and conquer means, from light into darkness.

Officers in the White Hat community (Military Legit), have been receiving letters authored by the criminal regime’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, which hold an ominous ultimatum: "relinquish command in exchange for possible amnesty, or prepare to face the music."

A source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office said that Austin sent Gen. Berger a personalized note with instructions to publicly condemn President Donald J. Trump, to overtly recognize Joseph R. Biden as the lawfully elected president of the United States, to order his forces to at once “cease and desist all unconstitutional paramilitary action against elected and appointed officials,” and to surrender no later than December 22, 2022.

As an aside, RRN on November 9 reported that three White Hat officers surrendered to the Deep State because they were disappointed with the midterm election results. Those officers, sources said, have literally vanished from the face of the planet.

"They’re probably dead,” our source said. “Their apologies to Lloyd Austin didn’t make a difference and emboldened him to start his letter writing campaign."

As the world, for the most part, USA included, is totally oblivious to what is really taking place behind the scenes, still believing in the MSM who reports none of the truth, PlanDemic deception, or what the White Hats (Military legit), are, and continue doing to bring a nation back under God and its Constitutional Republic Government of 1776, the Americans could any day now, begin waking up to neighborhood gunfire and battles as the new norm until this is resolved; may God have mercy on a world that has long lost its way and surrendered good and light for evil and darkness, falling faster and faster into the grasp of satan himself.

Thing is, in order for the world to crumble, to come under nazi/communistic, one world government rule, the overall intent of the Cabal and its demonic minions, with the Military Illegit in the USA appearing to be ready and willing to defend darkness, not the light, they must disarm and bring to its knees, the greatest super power on earth, the USA. Fortunately, thus far and thank God, there are too many true military patriots, and civilian people of the USA, standing IN GOD WE TRUST without waiver - and without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5) - "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."

In closing, always aiming to say a lot, but little, the following is a hint as to what the Biden (Trudeau) regime is all about - a serious and very dark demonic cancerous tumor.

JAG Names Hollywood Producer Arrested After Biden’s Banquet

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps has released the name of a Hollywood producer who was arrested after attending the criminal Biden regime’s banquet last Thursday evening. That person is Eli Roth, an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor whose name is synonymous with torture-porn: Roth is best known for directing the film Hostel, a ghoulish fright-fest in which attractive, scantily clad young women lure horny college boys to an industrial warehouse owned by a secret society. There, the boys are imprisoned and bid on by wealthy, sadistic elites, who in turn mutilate their victims in the most disgusting and grotesque ways imaginable. Roth has 43 producer credits, per IMDB, and he also played the role of Donny “The Bear Jew” Donowitz in Quentin Tarantino’s war film Inglorious Basterds. Additionally, Roth co-produced the movie 2001 Maniacs, but wasn’t invited back for the sequel after openly showing contempt for the South and for gay filmmaker Tim Sullivan. FULL STORY HERE


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