Giving the church back to God, following the satisfaction of hungering and thirsting for justice to be served (Matthew 5:6), for the destruction and removal of each and every PlanDemic monster, liars, thieves, murderers, kidnappers, rapists & molesters, as the satanic worshippers they were, must set a Christ-First precedence moving forward in the world.
Jesus Christ Living God, must become the number one primary focus, over and above all church names and titles, to identify, with what the world must know and see like never before, HIS NAME, HIS TITLE, HE LIVES, and that HE IS GOD, for there is no other.

A new and humble creation in the works sharing a Doctrinal Statement - Mission Statement - Vision Statement can be seen HERE - Have a peek @ House of the Messiah Fellowship site in the making HERE!
If we are too proud to be this bold, if our name, not His, or denominational titles, not scriptural, are more important - then clearly, we are not boasting JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD to the nations as #1 - but rather, our name, title, and denomination takes priority?
What speaks more clearly, if a person wants to learn about Jesus? Seeing an overwhelming list of religious denominational church names and titles, Dr. such & such ministry, The holy reverend ministry, or simply the name, Jesus Christ Living God?
To those who claim or have claimed a leadership role for the Kingdom of God, knowing He must become greater and we must become less, while still insisting on the teaching of religiosity, works, and/or the continual need to earn God's blessings, SHAME ON YOU!
Have we not been taught how to boast? Who and what to boast in? That we are either for Jesus or against Him, with no happy medium? Does God not tell us, not to add nor take away from His 'INSPIRED' living word (Revelation 22:19 / Deuteronomy 4:2 / 2 Timothy 3:13-17 / 1 Thessalonians 2:13 / Proverbs 30:6), as in 66 books, not 73, 7 uninspired books?
It's time to preach JESUS and JESUS only, and His inerrant and infallible living word, sixty-six books only, Genesis to Revelation, nothing added, nothing taken away, all of it, not bits and pieces, and all according to 2 Timothy 3:16 that tells us plainly "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."
What is the point, watching history repeat itself over and over, as the cults, mans religions, appear more appealing without finger pointing, while the Christian who has the 'ONLY' truth to set people free, is teaching people how to remain in bondage, needing to repent of sin daily to earn God's blessings, when that is not salvation, or GRACE by definition (unmerited undeserved favor - God giving us what we do not deserve)?
Did Jesus, or did He not, bring to us grace and truth, breaking the curse of the law?
John 1:17 tells us plainly "For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love (grace) and faithfulness (truth) came through Jesus Christ."
And according to God's living word that does not change, He tells us that as long as we continue feeling the need to earn (Law) what is already ours (Grace), asking, rather than thanking Him for what He's done, what is, and what's coming, then we are cut off from Christ and have fallen away from God's grace - SO WHY EXPECT ANYTHING?
Galatians 5:4 tells us plainly "For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace."
And if Mark 11:24 teaches, "I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours," knowing it's not saying we might receive, but that if we believe we have received it, it will be ours ... and if God knows all our needs before we have a need (Matthew 6:8/32), while His living word proclaims that He cannot/will not fail us (Luke 1:37), and that He cannot/will not lie (Titus 1:2), and that He has predestined us (Romans 8:29/Ephesians 1:5), meaning, He already knows our life story, what was, what is, and what's to come, WHY THEN do we insist on doubting Him?
Today's Gospel, the good news message, although in and of itself has not and never will change, Jesus Christ Living God - 'House of Messiah Fellowship' is a mere hint to those who are more serious about Jesus than of themselves or their denominational positions and doctrines; could this not become a clear identifying marker of those who teach according to God's living word, the condemned Word of Faith, or Full Gospel message that teaches 'ALL OF GOD'S WORD,' and not bits & pieces, nothing added, nothing taken away, sixty-six books, not seventy-three?
Asking the right questions
And what if, all Christian churches, even with a warped perspective, jumped onboard with this idea, boasting 'JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD' to the world, would that be a bad thing; as in would people not begin asking the right questions for clarity, something they're not doing now?
Very few are boasting about Jesus in public, God perhaps, Christ maybe, but seldom do we hear the name Jesus, from Christians especially; Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, Hindu, but not Jesus. However, if the world begins to see 'JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD' on every street corner where there's a fellowship, or hear His full title on television and radio networks, do you suppose people will begin asking more of the right questions for all the right reasons, much further ahead than we are now?
Question is, who will lead this movement? Or will everyone wait to see who goes first, only for no one to take action?
Personally, I'd like to see Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, and/or Joel Osteen, three of the largest & blessed, yet most 'WRONGFULLY' accused Christian ministries, take the lead on this new look for the world to see; another such leader is Andrew Wommack!
It's all about boasting first of our King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus (His name), Christ (His title), that He lives and that He is God
PS: When God called me on my own self-righteous spirit a few years back, judging fellow Christians such as these specific teachers noted, and then placed me in front of all but Andrew Wommack, sitting in on a minimum of ten services/lessons, the one thing I noticed immediately about all three, plus Wommack, is that NOT ONCE did they, or do they judge the majority of Christians judging them (Gal 5:15) - and instead - THEY WERE PRAYING FOR THEM.
