Pastor Ronald from Uganda connected with me recently to advise that a church in the USA, who has been supporting his ministry for some time, has suddenly changed direction, unwilling to move forward with their full support until he is vaccinated. WOW!
Pastor Ronald, while seeking clarity was asking: "I'm correct in refusing to do what they are requesting, am I not? Why would I want to do what Jesus would not do Himself? What is wrong with God's people this day and age?"
My response was simple and to the point:
A/ Absolutely correct!
B/ You don't, and never do what Jesus would not do Himself!
C/ The Christian world has fallen prey to the devil's manipulation, while standing behind their denominational doctrine over the living word, thus allowing satan to steal their authority and blessings for lack of grounded faith in Christ alone.

My last post, 'A Tree is Identified by its Fruit,' the AUDIO link under the menu bar, INSIGHT, 'Why Are We So Easily Deceived,' plus, the ten questions shared under the menu bar, MENTORSHIP, are key resources worthy of a readers time.
We must begin appreciating the authority granted us at salvation, mainly the power of invincibility that comes with grace - 'God giving us what we do not deserve - unmerited, undeserved favor,' and sadly, the Christian is clearly missing this.
How can we recognize this?
Christians being vaccinated with poison, when there is no pandemic; PlanDemic yes, pandemic, no!
Christians bowing to the devil, when it is we the Christian who has the power and authority over him, that he must flee at the name of Jesus!
Christians living with worry, fear, and doubt, when this is not God's living word!
Christians believing they still need to earn God's blessings - but that is not grace - instead, that was applicable only for those under the law!
Christians asking God to heal us, when we're already healed by His wounds!
Christians asking God for anything, rather than thanking Him for what's coming!
But who's Jacob, JJ, and Pastor John? Thought you might ask! :)
On a recent trip across the country that should never have been taken, perhaps out of selfish determination, getting to meet my grandson face to face, at two years of age, rather than first meeting at two months, I met Jacob, JJ, and Pastor John (unsure if I remember the Pastor's name), but with all due respect, we'll call him John for the purpose of this post.
To set the stage, I'm the kind of person when God comes into a conversation, I first clarify we're on the same page, and Jesus Christ Living God takes over on my account; to me this is crucial. Along with this position, I believe it also important to follow up when an opportunity presents itself, and the opportunity was left wide open for the above names, and even if not requested, which it was not, is an integral thing to do, a position worthy of adoption.
So, I'm with my daughter on an outing and introduced to a middle aged youth Pastor (John), and his wife - beautiful people, who have long lifted my daughter up for the job she does in coaching their daughter English riding skills and techniques. The conversation was brief, but informative, and I felt compelled to share my pastoral card with the wife of this wonderful Pastor, as he had to excuse himself to take care of some responsibilities on the property we were visiting. No more contact was made, the lesson was over and we were heading home - and still nothing to this day from my new friend; WHY IS THAT I WONDER?
Jacob and JJ were and remain I trust, a happy young and newly married couple (May 2022), Jacob from Ontario and JJ from BC. Finding themselves in a bit of a pickle, along with friends of theirs, in yet another vehicle that had been in an accident, were all waiting for a tow-truck to come from approximately 2.5-3hrs away. The pickle was, there was not enough room for all of them to fit in the other vehicle to move forward and not have to wait for the tow-truck, and asked if one of them, Jacob, could ride in my car to Thunder Bay, Ontario, while his wife, JJ, and the other girls would follow later in the good vehicle; absolutely!
In brief conversation, appreciating that they would be wondering about this stranger, who might not be as nice as proclaimed or even appearing, I shared that they could relax, I was a Pastor, resigned from the pulpit in 2007. Suddenly, the girls spoke up saying that they also were part of a regular church that meets in homes, a non-denominational setting, to which I favorably commented on the latter point, to me, being a good thing.
Jacob rode with me and we talked about many different things, everything but God, good by me, although unusual I thought, but Jacob was an interesting and genuine young man indeed. Yet still to this day, nothing from him, his wife, or even the mother of one of the other young girls who was in the car accident, with whom I had shared my cell for any questions or concerns during this trying time; WHY IS THAT? What separates us as Christians, by example, by not following up with a hello, or even some form of gratitude?
This is not about me, or the need to be thanked for doing what we all should be doing without a second thought in helping those who need assistance of any kind. This is about, however, what separates the Christian from the every day person who doesn't know Christ. And although long prior to the PlanDemic, the Christian has been losing a foothold on society and clearly, and deservingly, eyebrows rise at the name of Christian anything.
Being a lover and great appreciator of keeping things simple, avoiding over complication at all costs, I believe the answer is simple; if we're not reading the living word of God, which is the amour of God, for ourselves, then how can we expect to be like the author of life, promised Messiah, and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ Living God?
Jesus is His name, Christ is His title, He lives, and He is God, so why are we as Christians not running after Him, boasting of Him and the cross, and of our weaknesses as did Paul, rather than coasting through life, following the crowd (vaxxed and all masked up), when Psalm 91, 1 Peter 2:24, Matthew 8:17, or the likes of Mark 11:24 confirms to us that we are invincible if we will just believe and not doubt?
In closing, approximately 2009/2010, I was invited by a former board member of the church I had pastored, to a Promise Keeper event, to which I was free and accepted. Upon arrival, I deliberately connected with two people from leadership of said event, as well as two attendees, asking for feedback on a project I was considering, providing each with my card and contact information; but nothing was received from either of the two leaders or the two attendees, when all four graciously assured me of their feedback - WHY IS THAT? Sleeping Christians? Religiosity over relationship perhaps?
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' - 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' - 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) - and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool ... I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!