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If Not For Bold Justified Truth Words Would Never Leave My Mouth

This graphic, although phony as global warming and the covid-lie (PlanDemic), is what an actual cloud would look like.

The following eight photos, taken October 29, 2022 at approximately 0730hrs, and quite common to see, on early morning walks, anywhere I've placed my feet, from Canada, Dominican Republic, Mexico, USA (latter & first mostly), show clear evidence of what is known as 'CHEM-TRAILS.' They have been addressed by the average citizen across the globe for the past sixty plus years that I can attest to, but propagated as 'CONSPIRACY THEORIES' by the MSM, receiving unfathomable financial benefits for doing so.

From the first photo to the last, we can see for ourselves, how the chemicals, sprayed from the planes, spreads out into the atmosphere of the regions released, all according to well thought out airstream & wind-flow predictions I'm sure.

Top plane left to right - Bottom plane below tree line right to left

This plane bottom up and to the right - with background mist of earlier planes

This plane was bottom up and to the left - showing heavier pinkish chemical mist

Another plane had come from top right across and down to left lost in Chem-trails

Seeing how the (cash-building) chemicals (making people sick) disperse with wind flow

Smoggy air is propagated as climate change issues, not deliberate poisoning

On way back from walk, upper sky is well dispersed, lower is still settling down

Beautiful fresh air for us to breath in and breath better, right?

Hard to believe after all of our lives, seeing no reason not to trust our political officials, local print and airwave medias, professors, doctors, and health officials, etc., some being our neighbors, I agree, but there comes a time, especially this day and age with a proven PlanDemic on our doorstep, when we must begin thinking for ourselves and doing our own research; although far from being common practice - instead, lets buy & sell on marketplace.

Just in the latter few years, have people been able to get underground truths to the general public - this in early 2021.

And only because of patriot pressure against a PlanDemic under the guise of a pandemic, along with the signing of 'The Great Barrington Declaration' by literally hundreds of thousands of epidemiologists and virologists from across the globe, all hell broke loose. Suddenly all MSM & SM billionaires come out of the closet and begin censoring and funding laws against truth being told; Amazon and Google monsters, latter owning the internet, showing their true colors.

With that said, this only caused an even greater push for FREE SPEECH platforms such as Bitchute, Brighteon, or say Rumble as mere examples. But then - the devil's not stupid - and now, apart from truth being found more easily, there are many wolves in sheep clothing amidst all the attempting platforms for truth. What's known as the Protocols of Zion, gives anyone interested in truth, just how deep these wolves go.

There is also the news page Real Raw News that has its share of, "can we believe this or not," especially around the execution of Tom Hanks, 2021. Tommy was in the new Elvis story movie 2022, with another release coming up January 13, 2023 - surprise, surprise; if you look up Tom Hanks photos of 5-10 years ago, today, and in the Elvis and new movie, you can see it is not the same person - and not talking aging here. Cloning, doubles?

We've been deceived, better word, brainwashed, for as long as we've been breathing. It is proven by an award winning and independent investigative reporter journalist that the planning for our current PlanDemic stems back to the third son of Noah, Japheth. This woman reveals this trail to truth through a very long process of research, for nothing but the truth. I confirm her findings not of my own wisdom and knowledge, but on the basis of my degree in Religious Study, man's idea of God, rather than the inerrant and infallible living word itself, and she does not waiver from reality in her research; otherwise, we have youtube.

I agree to disagree - love all judge none - but I refuse to ignore our new reality, politically correct the new norm, embraced by the ignorant and deceived, and do so for the future of generations to come, including my one and only grandson, who is not, nor ever will be, vaccinated, in a world that has long been able to prevent disease, but instead has been programmed (doctors/health officials) to treat it - that's where the TRILLIONS are made; a millionaire is chickenfeed.

The following photo info was not reported by MSM owned by the Cabal

Dr. Richard Bartlett, being told by the CDC (Centre for Disease Control), to simply keep his patients comfortable, when he knew there had to be a solution ... quickly discovered that Budesonide worked ... BUT NO ONE CARED to hear that solution at the beginning of the PlanDemic ... and still don't ... WHY NOT?

Watch this brief interview HERE!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., warned us back in 2020 'Avoid covid-jab at all costs!

Only 1433 people interested in truth shared by Doctor Carrie Madej, losing her career for speaking out in early May 2021; not the best host interview, but it's truth.

In closing, as for the masks, especially when there is no pandemic, and the insistence that THE PEOPLE MUST CONTINUE WEARING THEIR MASKS propaganda, here's a little history.

Do you think the fear mongering worked?

Only those afraid of dying, without need, wear masks that do nothing but cause more harm - BUT THEN - what does Pastor Kevin know, being an aging outspoken nobody?

PS: Have you not ever wondered beyond a brush off, about things that make you go Hmmm?


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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