Depression is the least of my worries! The sense of feeling alone has zero to do with depression and everything to do with literally being one in thousands within my own immediate circle of life and existence, who has not been brainwashed into believing in a pandemic that doesn't exist, with very little indication of the blind waking up.

No, I don't care to visit with family at this time who live high on the hog and are medically endorsed with degrees that have been falsely, but deliberately programmed to treat disease, when we've been capable on the real planet earth, of preventing disease for eighty to one hundred years minimum, with the cure for cancer hidden for forty of them, and 100% natural healing med-beds for over eighty.
And no, I don't care to socialize at this time with former regular acquaintances, business owners included, who have gone with the flow of mandate enforcements, masks & bogus vaccines, making staff look like fools, forcing poison injections to keep their job, while continuing to embrace the lie, unwilling to think for themselves - and the audacity to look at me like I'm the weird one; family and friends included.
Now with all that said, my post title, 'If I felt this alone and didn't have God (Jesus on my team), I'd be dead already,' is as transparent as I can be, 'NOT' being suicidal or anywhere near it ... while feeling at peace with self, yet empathetic for the broader populous.
A/, He (Jesus Christ), is the One and only One, who has enabled me to keep my sanity while seeing this lie from day one for what it is, and remains ... as the world has been led to believe He is the lie, plus ...
B/, it's sad to think that any day now, the world is going to wake up to the whole truth and nothing but the truth - being a deep, dark, and rude awakening at that, plus ...
C/, regarding the masses, suddenly knowing the truth, will civil rebellion or a witch hunt break out, considering the guilty parties, supposed to be leaders, who have eagerly supported this lie, injecting or forcing poison into their clients/staff, many of whom have died or suffered severe side effects ... or
D/, could this PlanDemic, as with Christians being predestined, been part of God's predestined plan for humanity, knowing all things to come, to bring about a revival - a global cleansing - following the shock of truth being exposed, witnessing just how evil, evil is and has been? HERE'S TO REVIVAL!
When I think of the movies I have watched over my sixty+ years from childhood, portraying reality in the works, listed as fiction - or the non-fiction documentaries trying to share the truth, but blocked and propagated as conspiracy theories and lies by the very Cabal behind our current PlanDemic, who also controls all global mainstream and social media platforms, makes me nauseous.
Not to mention 99.9% of the countless corrupt politicians, anywhere and everywhere, still in office, or seeking a new or re-elect position, all of which are unwilling to think for themselves - and that's before getting to the medical, pharmaceutical, and educational lunatics who have held the controlling monopoly for far too long, with their twisted satanic agendas in support of perfection through eugenics on one side (real Bill Gates history), and the promoting of perversion of every nature on the other; A SERIOUS PROBLEM, YES?
And how embarrassing being Canadian, with politicians eagerly rallying for a political seat in a country that doesn't even have a constitution; how ignorant is that? Meaning, they can't be removed or held accountable once they're in, considering all voting decisions are made prior to election.
To be frank, many times, I have laid my head down on my pillow wishing to never see another daylight, feeling so helpless with no one listening, along with losing close family connections, and unnecessarily, concerned over too many deceived Christians. Yet because of my faith, God knowing all things before they happen (Isaiah 46:10), knowing my heart and humble concerns, having bigger and better plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11), specific to my DNA and overall makeup, a purpose only I can fill, He points me to Isaiah 40:31 that says, "But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
So, where do we go from here?
As for me and my house, I stand with Joshua 24:15 that says, "But as for me and my family (household), we will serve the LORD."
As for you and your family, if you do not know this Jesus in whom I boast, I encourage you to consider the purchase of my eBook 'Jesus Christ Living God - How & Why We Must Connect.'
Or, if you already know Jesus, feeling something is missing, consider the book 'Lessons to Live By - Invincibility With Christ in You' - and take your Christian faith, with Him leading you, to a level where worry, fear, and doubt is non-existent, with a deeper appreciation of grace.
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!