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Having Faith and Understanding Faith is Like Night and Day

As a follow up and/or in addition to the post "Faith Without Substance is Empty Hope," this topic cannot and must not be taken lightly, otherwise the Christian will live a defeated life, with the likes of worry, fear, and doubt, and although saved, will sadly, either never discover their purpose to fulfill, or do so haphazardly only, leaving the devil grinning from ear to ear.

The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44), the one who lives to steal, kill, and destroy all things good (John 10:10), including our divine purpose given us at the time of predestination and conception in our mothers womb (Romans 8:29 | Ephesians 1:5 | Psalm 139:13-16). So having hope with faith for salvation alone, while lacking in understanding faith, not knowing how invincible we are with Jesus Christ Living God as our personal Lord & Savior, is truly like night and day; understanding faith is the icing on the cake - the jelly in the jelly donut!

Perfect example, one of God's great leaders in India, Pastor Raju, sends me a follow-up email, adding the words, "Pastor please pray for me, for my health?" and my reply was as follows:

[In other words, to the reader of this post, when we understand faith 'WE ARE ALREADY HEALED.' Nothing can touch us, as we believe and do not doubt, with further confirmation in Psalm 91 alone - otherwise, why should we expect to receive anything if we doubt!]

  • *** Pastor Raju replied: Believe it. Received it - because he understands faith.

Contrarily, without understanding faith, the Christian lives with unnecessary worry, fear, and doubt - meaning they embrace illness; death; the worst; no money; no job; no vehicle; no this, no that - exactly what the devil aims to do and wins in far too many cases, thus bowing to failure and not success - bowing to demonic mandates (masks and/or vaccines) and not to God.

In closing, another benefit of understanding faith, also opens the mind and heart to two key verses also noted in the related post 'Faith Without Substance is Empty Hope,' and they are Proverbs 3:5-6 that tell us: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take;" God's understanding not ours, God's will not ours, God's path not ours - believe and do not doubt.


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