In their own words - 'The Great Courses' - magazine at your door/online boasts big promises * No Homework, No Tests, No Pressure * Learn at your own pace with no schedule, while exercising, commuting, or just relaxing. Just you and the world's greatest professors * LEAVING OUT * Specializing in the world's greatest educational brainwashing.

CAUTIONARY - I believe the money transfer services of WORLD REMIT have become part of and under the control of the Cabal behind the PlanDemic to monitor & prevent funds from reaching TWNations - consider avoiding!
Only God knows for certain, Christ knows I tried to share the truth with him, however, I believe my dad died as an evolutionist, losing his soul to the devil, actually believing that we came from monkey's & apes - addicted to a few partners of 'the great courses' including the National Geographic and History Channels, and an avid reader of their evolutionary based magazines, advocating the devils agenda to steal, kill, & destroy all souls & all that is good.
I never judge those who choose to believe in anything, let alone the foolishness of evolution, but rest assured that the very partners of great courses do, and are judging you, me, and all who disagree with them - for it is they who are part of the Cabal, in direct and deliberate support of the PlanDemic.
To believe in evolution is like asking demolitionist's to be accountable for every dust particle from every job they do; on DNA alone, evolution has long been debunked!
Take the Smithsonian Institute for example, I'm believing they still hold fast to an elaborate display in the name of Margaret Sanger, an openly strong supporter of Hitler and his nazi movement. Additionally and pathetically, she was the founder of Planned Parenthood, the number one advocate in the world for abortion, which in turn sells body parts to the black market; PP is based around the satanic eugenics movement, in which the Gates family specialize, yes, computer guy/fake doctor/fake PhD credentialed Bill Gates (#'s 18-23 HERE).
Harvard, along with pretty much 'ALL' Colleges & Universities, seminaries included, have become indoctrinated institutions to deceive and brainwash it's student body. Every sector of business and life has been impregnated with an ongoing and deliberately appointed doctorate/professor teaching base, where all texts of educational disciplines will need to be rewritten; if of course, the mercy of God chooses to grant us the opportunity to begin building our history once again as though from day one, rather than allowing His creation to destroy itself, as deserving as we are of such demise.
As for the Mayo Clinic, they appear wonderful, but stand with the devil himself, as with any affiliate of the MEDICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL train - prioritizing $$$$$ over people!
And MSM (Main Stream Media), including the likes of the Los Angeles Times and the WSJ, they too, owned by the Cabal, are paid unfathomable billions to propagate according to the agenda at the time; familiar with Operation Mockingbird or specifically Media Manipulation?
Case in point - respectfully, if you believe you can benefit from this pathetic and demonic structural hierarchy excuse for education, intentionally built to program you to think or not, all according to plan, will find you any wiser than previous learning did in keeping you from running to the doctor or community lineups to get vaccinated, when there's never been pathologist evidence to support pandemic status from day one, fill your boots!
We as a global populous have ONE ace in our corner, and that is Jesus Christ Living God, who tells us in John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."
Considering the Holy Bible has long been proven to be inerrant and infallible, contrary to popular belief as a result of deliberate propaganda to discredit said truth, no different than being deceived into believing in a pandemic, when in fact a PlanDemic, we can know for certain that justice will be served according to the following promises from the living word.
Luke 1:37 “For the word of God will never fail.”
Luke 8:17 “For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.”
Hebrews 4:13 “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.”
Deuteronomy 32:35 “I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them.”