Businessman Wesley Deeds (Tyler Perry), is jolted out of his scripted life, when he meets Lindsey, a single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office building.
One could connect this movie to 'Lady in Red,' but only from the idea, for its delivery and long lost genuine heart appeal is not commonplace. The movie airs nothing of the typical Hollywood stench, and unquestionably, the reason it's believable and relatable.

In 2013, reviewer, Steve Pulaski wrote of 'Good Deeds' (2012) the following, titled - 'A "Slice of Life" Opera'
I think it took me until Tyler Perry's 'Good Deeds' to discover what Tyler Perry does best, and that's showing that relationships evolve from mutual acquaintances, into something that doesn't always immediately channel deep into romantic feelings.
Perry pulls a nice trick here, leading his viewers with the impending notion that Good Deeds will turn into just another redundant, foreseeable romantic drama between two people of different social classes, but instead, it develops into a genial and sincere parable on life, helping someone from a different position in life, in a most humble fashion.
Wealthy businessman, Wesley Deeds (Perry), has not only inherited his father's software company, but additionally, just about every convention, mannerism, and habit his father picked up in life. He has become so predictable and habitual in his behaviors, that his fiancée, Natalie (Gabrielle Union) states that she could "set her watch by Wesley."
One day, Wesley abruptly meets, Lindsey Wakefield (Thandie Newton), a stressed single mother who works as a janitor for the company, when she parks in Wesley's parking space in a rush to pick up her urgently needed paycheck. Wesley, at the time, is accompanied by his ticking-time-bomb of a brother, Walter (Brian J. White), who attempts to force Lindsey out of the space by calling a tow truck. It's only out of pure compassion and sympathy, does Wesley let his brothers childish escapade, slide.
There you have it! Not too much info to discourage your own viewing, yet enough to wet your movie night appetite, a nicely done movie indeed. As with a few posts back, while gritting my teeth because of being a Netflix Original (more & more dark secrets), the movie, 'I Used to be Famous,' is also refreshing and worthy ... and free of the HW stench.
I'm not expecting to be getting into many movie-review posts. It's just that since the PlanDemic, losing career and income, in between TWNations Ministry, my writing, and walking for quiet sanity and thinking time, I have looked long and hard to find movies worth watching for the family, and/or husband and wife, and it's not easy this day and age. You'll better appreciate this after thousands of our political, medical, pharmaceutical, MSM, and SM monsters are dealt with, arrested, tried, and imprisoned or executed for their insanity against mankind - including deliberate brainwashing through Hollywood, Bollywood, Disney and the likes.
In all humility, as I bring this short post to a close, both movies above found myself weeping; imagine, all alone, my bride is at work, and I find myself emotionally challenged, with tears running down my cheeks. Let me explain!
When a person knows something that no one else knows, but needs to know, especially family, close friends, and former colleagues, who all know you as a man of integrity, an educated man and an ordained Pastor, who would never lie or deceive, and one who has never led them astray, yet they refuse to listen to respectful logic & common sense that could save their lives, practically disowning you, AND I'M FAR FROM ALONE ON THIS, it becomes very trying, lonely, and overwhelming at times. And the tears came, not necessarily because of the movie, but more so out of sympathy and empathy, for those who have refused to listen, billions around the world, actually believing that, "finally we're getting our world and normalcy back," WHEN NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
So, as I watched these movies, delivering a rare specimen of worthiness, offering up true humble love and compassion, my heart sunk because of how bad family, friends, acquaintances, and the global populous have been deceived, by 98% of every leader across the world - AND WE VOTED SOME OF THEM IN!
And being one of few, literally, who knows the truth, amongst thousands who do not, it's not a good place to be. As addressed in another post, if not for my faith in the inerrant and infallible living God and Savior, Jesus Christ, I would be dead already, amongst millions of unreported suicides who have no faith or fake faith, defined as idolatry.
Seriously embarrassing as a human being, how the masses could so easily be deceived, without the foggiest idea of the brainwashing taking place, most history a lie, and almost brought us to a nuclear holocaust, by an estimated 1.5 million satanic worshipping monsters, the Cabal, who would have had no problem, anyone of them, renowned celebrities included, of pushing the nuke-button to remove you and the other 6.5 billion people ... BOOM ... and all because of our own ignorance with no one to blame but ourselves.
BUT we will be saved my the mercy of the living God - and MAN MUST NEVER EVER FORGET WHAT HE HAS DONE.
Muhammad or his allah cannot do this;
buddha cannot do this;
gaia cannot do this;
spirituality cannot do this;
hindu gods cannot do this;
shamanism cannot do this;
mysticism cannot do this;
man and his new age thinking cannot do this;
but JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD has already saved us, because He knows all things before they happen!
Isaiah 43:10 "I alone am God. There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be."
Luke 8:17 "For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all."
Hebrews 4:13 "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable."
Deuteronomy 32:35 "I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them."
John 3:16 "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."
John 11:25 Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."
John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."