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Fewer & Fewer Paulie's - More & More Murder Horror & Perversion

Pedowood and Daisy pay above and beyond, what elected leaders already receive to do their part in covering up the PlanDemic, thus the reason everyone wants into politics; it's where the money is, and once you're in, you're in, with a system unable to remove you. Yes, perhaps 1% aim at changing the world, but are knocked back down to reality once elected. Besides, Pedowood and Daisy who employ pedos, want to protect their own, right!

In 2022 alone, from one source only, they show 1197 new movie releases, with fewer & fewer Paulie's and more & more murder, horror & perversion, lying, cheating, pandemic mockery (keeping viewers in conspiracy mode), Christian slander movies, time travel, and not without bribing and turning more women into sluts & tramps with the promise of success. So that's 80% of 1197 movies, leaving 956 dark & evil and 241 with not so obvious hidden agendas.

Such new titles include 'Deadly Infidelity,' 'Deadly Cheers,' 'Orphan: First Kill,' 'Deadly Ex Next Door,' 'Deadly Garage Sale,' 'Terror Train,' 'Bitch Ass,' 'School of Good & Evil,' 'The Accursed,' 'The Possessed,' 'Stealing in Suburbia,' and 'Stalker,' with another 944 just like them, produced by a seriously sick writing team.

And if you're thinking it will get better on its own without Republic Governments, new banking and internet, with all current systems destroyed and all leadership locked up or executed, especially the Cabal behind the PlanDemic for their crimes against humanity, then you're either crazier than a pet-coon or dumber than a bag of hammers, and anxiously awaiting your next poison-booster-shot.

Could the likes of PureFlix find its mark in a new world new season on its way? To poll this prior to the truth of what's really been taking place behind the scenes, the answer is a guaranteed no. However, once people are awakened to the truth and see for themselves, horror for real, with the massacre of millions, not to mention the reality of them giving doctors/nurses permission to inject poison inside of their bodies, PureFlix (NOT AN AFFILIATE LINK) may become a new window of refreshing and wholesome family viewing.

Am I over exaggerating when I say "seriously sick writing team?" And this is what's behind the current PlanDemic; if you live with evil, you will welcome and embrace evil.

Divide & conquer! The more the MSM, who are part of and owned by the Cabal, share everything but the truth, such who's good & bad behind Russia & Ukraine, then obviously, as it was with Trump running for election, the world is convinced Trump is the bad guy, while Clinton, literally was getting away with murder, but God had different plans. And so it is with Russian & Ukraine, Putin is seen as the bad guy, and Zelenskyy, hiding all the PlanDemic labs for the American Democrats, FBI, & CIA, is seen as the good guy, which is not the truth. This is not rocket science on the up and up, unfortunately, the masses still believe in a pandemic, listening to lies, not truth, meaning, the world is the most unstable it has ever been in all its history, with everything escalating from the resurrection of Jesus Christ until this very day, because evil wants Pedowood and Disney perversion and satanic worship, and the truth that has been propagated as the lie, Jesus Christ the living God and truth, desires more Paulie's and PureFlix, for the inspiration of love, joy, peace, contentment, etc., and not contrary.

PS: Evil aims to impregnate lies and fear, and in doing so, the intent for the movie 'Orphan: First Kill,' for example, is to instill doubt and fear into good people so they will not consider adopting a Third World Nation Orphan, whom by the multiple millions, lost their parents to deliberate genocide through bogus vaccinations, infecting parents with Aids (HIV).

PPS: Much like the fake Climate Change/Global Warming agenda - 100% about money. Check out NO SUCH THING AS NATURAL WEATHER! or HERE

PPPS: And only a She-Devil could secure worship time in the midst of a PlanDemic for her muslim counterparts, while the Christians are locked up or out of their churches - proving who's side the Islamic/Muslim faith is on 'THE DEVIL'S' - the god of this world - AND - the reason Jesus & Christians have been and remain the primary target ... for only Jesus can save your soul from eternal destruction.

John 3:16 "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."


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