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Nurse testifies that no patients died from covid - they were all murdered by medical mal-practice.

HERE or on graphic to hear and see the horror that MSM dares not speak of.

And is this not what the International Common Law Court of Justice just confirmed, and placed warrants out on seventy-five individuals, following twenty-six years of investigative research and evidence, and months of deliberation, including Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, the (fake royalty) Queen of England - and the despicable Pope Francis, alone with 'his' vatican, for genocide and crimes against humanity; and nothing is being done!

Check out this video from yet another truth news channel HERE or clicking graphic below!

In closing, you are certain to enjoy my post from a while back, regarding being embarrassed for being human, white, and a Christian leader to boot, for no truer and honest words have left my lips; not as in being something special myself, but as a result of the ignorance that has come upon the world, as a direct result of deliberate BRAINWASHING of the people by BIG PHARM and GOVERNMENT for money and control, leaving people unable 'OR' unwilling to think for themselves - because perhaps of refusing to embrace the only inerrant and infallible truth known to man that it needs, also propagated as the lie, Jesus Christ.


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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