With approximately three billion Christians, give or take a million or two, the world is still further from the truth than ever before; let's be honest, inexcusably.
CAUTIONARY - I believe the money transfer services of WORLD REMIT have become part of and under the control of the Cabal behind the PlanDemic to monitor & prevent funds from reaching TWNations - consider avoiding!
Helping the church leadership and laypeople connect the dots with what they may or may not already know, is the objective, led by the Holy Spirit, throughout my authorship of eBooks available for purchase HERE or HERE; this is a huge help for myself after losing my career to the PlanDemic - discouraging but knowing God is in control.
The Christian has been given an irrefutable divine message full of wisdom, knowledge & understanding, for which in Christ only are hidden, and must be shared without limit.
Sixty-six books of God's inspired, inerrant and infallible living word, are one with 2 Timothy 3:16 - with every verse essential and relevant as we teach.

Meaning, the reason we are restless - the reason the devil continues to defeat us - the reason everything drives us to frustration - living with unnecessary worry, fear, and doubt - is merely a matter of connecting the dots with what we may or may not know already!
Therefore, what if the most zealous message from God today is to fully surrender His church back to Him - that Jesus, and NOT DOCTRINE, must lead His church - that we must cease fulfilling Galatians 5:4 & 5:15, a direct result of our denominational limitations, being pride?
We the people in Christ are His church - Apart from Him we can do nothing!
To the world at large, hearing God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, for the most part, is just more religion. Every pagan belief speaks of god, not God, yet often references Jesus, but not as the Son or living God, but rather as a good man or prophet, but never, Jesus Christ Living God; yet Jesus is His name * Christ is His title * He lives * and He is God & proved it!
Dare we ... RESTRICT ... WITHHOLD ... CONFINE ... MINIMIZE ... LIMIT GOD ... boasting grace for salvation alone when we are already healed in Christ; perfect in Christ; innocent in Christ; with a rich & satisfying life awaiting us in Christ?
CONSIDER - my own surprise just a few short years ago (35 years of study), not once teaching grace beyond salvation alone - when 1 Peter 2:24 confirms by His wounds/stripes we are healed; Hebrews 10:10 confirms we're already sanctified; Galatians 3:14 confirms we're already redeemed, and John 10:10 confirms we have a rich and satisfying life in Jesus.
Yet for me, I was still asking and not thanking God for what's coming according to Mark 11:24; clearly the devil aiming to keep God's children under the law (trying to earn God's blessings), when under grace, Jesus breaking the curse of the law, we no longer need to earn God's blessings.
GRACE - unmerited, undeserved favor - God giving us what we do not deserve.
Imagine the salvation/revival potential with all glory to the living God, with inerrant & infallible truth embraced and shared, nothing added, nothing taken away, void of all doctrinal pride, led by Jesus Christ Living God and the power of the Holy Spirit within!
You're encouraged to consider the purchase of one of my books HERE or HERE - nothing to lose and everything to gain for the glory of Jesus Christ Living God - again - JESUS is His name * CHRIST is His title * HE lives * and HE is God.
Everything you have heard, haven't heard, or must hear, will all come together as you read this book; boasting of Jesus as greater and greater, with self less and less, directing its readers by links to the living word that supersedes the all too common authors opinion.
If you have strong faith, struggling faith, or no faith, you will regain or discover truth & freedom in Jesus Christ Living God.
"Change is inevitable but change starting with self for the glory of God is worthy of applause" - Pastor Kevin
I'm excited to hear back from many after reading either of my four books, connecting the dots to information they may or may not have always known, leading them to a much deeper and more fulfilling personal relationship with Jesus Christ Living God.
This will be time well spent, a book pointing directly to the living word of our (THE) living God at pretty much every point made, and a perfect example is titled "Lessons To Live By." I'm humbled to play an essential part in the lives of all who read either of my books, amen and amen, thank you, Jesus.
Questions to ponder
As a Christian, have you ever pondered the idea that something was still missing, just wasn't right? You know Jesus, you love Him, no doubts, yet you can't quite put your finger on it? What if Isaiah 7:9b was a mere hint for you to become refreshed and on fire for Jesus - telling us "Unless your faith is firm I cannot make you stand firm."
How Will You Benefit From The Books The Holy Spirit Has Led Me to Write?
1/ Giving thanks is the foundation of faith, as well as a long lost courtesy around the world, for which we Christians, if honest could do much better in this area. Beneficially, my books become the restorer of faith, and are shared in a fashion that takes a message that has become unnecessarily overcomplicated, and turns it into child's play for leaders - 100% of the living word of God.
2/ Repetition is an invaluable learning tool, and using the right method, a lost art if you will, it doesn't take much to find us on an insatiable learning curve as my books deliver, especially 'Lessons To Live By.' Using the lesson, '10 Primary Verses' as one example, leaders from my Third World Nations ministry, have adopted three new favorite words, "Tell Me More!"
3/ The book noted in #2 above, covers such topics as the dispensation of grace, the epitome of pride, bold justified anger, or, how the devil is stealing your blessings and authority - and because of the simplicity and clarity in delivery, with links connecting directly to God's living word, one cannot help but feel enlightened and refreshed with a new and restored outlook, ready to take on the world no matter what the challenge may be, after rediscovering just how invincible in Christ they are, amen and amen, thank you, Jesus!
PS: If you are new to the Christian faith, consider 'Jesus Christ Living God - How & Why We Must Connect,' to get you started.
PPS: If you are concerned about what to believe, perhaps believing in something different than Jesus, consider 'Man Gives us Religion - God Gives us Truth.'
PPPS: If you're hungry to learn what you've been missing in your Christian walk, nothing will beat the Holy Spirit's leading in my book 'LESSONS TO LIVE BY.'