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Christmas is Coming - Unfamiliar Freedom Will Be The Gift

The designation of the term, 'Happy Holidays,' was thought to begin its disappearance following Christmas 2022, along with the shameful act of business owners not respectfully posting and wishing a 'Merry Christmas,' to shoppers, Christian or otherwise, especially in Christian nations, such as Canada and the USA, both founded on the Judeo-Christian faith and principles; it's demise has not yet arrived during 06/11/23 update. :(

The love of this season that has been lost as a direct result of centuries of demonic propagation (Cabal), latter, slow at being exposed, is a loss affecting world, no matter the belief, because of the peace, love, and joy that comes with the birth of the Savior that cannot help but overflow for the benefit of people everywhere.

The freedom noted in the title, is not limited in reference to freedom of speech, without concern of offending, or to respectfully recognize a most warranted celebrative opportunity (Christmas), and the likes, but greater still, freedom as in equality for all people, especially those under century-old oppression and impoverishment as Third World Nations.

In other words, a freedom that is regulated for the benefit of all people, and not as current government, for the benefit of classes or groups of people in order to redefine the sexes for example, as a means to satisfy selfish, perverted and lustful pleasures and habits, or setting apart, specific races of people through bias manipulation and misdirection such as BLM (Black Lives Matter), that have zero to do with black lives and everything to do with disruption, chaos, and terrorism, along with the ignorance of Antifa and such.

Regulated, as in ruling by way and under globally established Republic Governments, more specifically Constitutional Republic Governments, elected by WE THE PEOPLE to represent we the people - a literal 180 degree change from the corrupt and foul government that creatively hoodwinked the world into their own style government better seen for what it is and has been, such as an oligarchy ... a nazi, communist, totalitarian agenda full of lies, deception, despicable exploitation, and satanism, including child sacrifice and human trafficking; headed up by such demonic monsters as the Biden's, Trudeau's, Bush's, Clinton's, Obama's, as well as multi-billionaire clowns as Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Buffett!

So, yes, Christmas is coming, and unfamiliar freedom will be the gift, but it's come at a very high price.

Life as we have known it, for the most part, has been a lie. Educational textbooks, as one example will need to be rewritten! 

Consider this brief analogy, that every educated person has received their degree, while being deliberately manipulated, being taught lies, from a warped perspective; For example, being taught that Christopher Columbus was a great man and hero, when nothing could be further from the truth; Being taught that a pinch of cyanide within the 'FAKE VITAMIN B12' cyanocobalamin, to be a good thing, when nothing could be further from the truth; Being taught in a denominationally based seminary that Jesus didn't actually turn water into wine, when nothing could be further from the truth. LIES ARE LIES not matter how we see it!

To believe the above analogy, to be a figment of a conspiracist's wild imagination, would be as though I'm trying to convince you that fish don't need water. Watch just one of the documentaries in THIS PDF, or consider the short 'healthy hacks' video below, regarding cyanocobalamin, and its intended 'slow kill,' causing disease to be treated, rather than prevented, leading to unnecessary suffering at the time, and ultimate death over time, and done so by very dark ruthless means, all for profit and control. And this is just one small piece of the greater puzzle, proven beyond words in any one documentary HERE.

I must confess, I'm challenged like no other time in my life, especially during this time of the PlanDemic, the greatest con the world may ever experience. Knowing what I know to be true, while the global populous, including those within my own circles, and family, who look at me like I have three heads, totally oblivious to the truth they need, brainwashed, deceived by the lies, still trusting in the devil himself (MSM), all part of this scheme, drives me crazy.

So, here's to true freedom across the globe that incorporates 'ALL' people, and that it lasts longer than a handful of years, knowing also how quickly we forget the good things, and perhaps in the midst of this New World, New Season, the ultimate inerrant and infallible truth, previously propagated as the lie, will find its predestined way into your life.

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying." Amen and amen to that!


Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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