In support of their PlanDemic, Human Trafficking, Child Sacrificing, Depopulation, and Life Style Perversion Agendas, New York Times adds cannibalism to the menu of topics and feast of the already certain psychopathic mindset and position of themselves and their coconspirators, the Cabal, as though invincible of persecution; but destruction is knocking at their door - vengeance is God's, and as promised, all that is hidden shall become known.
To think we have been, and continue allowing such bold, arrogant, stupid and demonic topics to be discussed by a public broadcasting system, supposedly accountable and responsible, clearly not, is appalling; cannibalism and highlighting said agenda, really!
Honestly, serve us foolish and ignorant human beings right, and all because of a LACK OF FAITH in the only undeniable, absolute, irrefutable truth known to man, is beyond comprehension, while said agenda goes unnoticed by 95+% of global population; truly dumber than a bag of hammers - not judging - just speaking bold truth!
It is clear God knows all things, specifically of myself for example, because if I were wealthy, knowing my heart, He knows I would be distracted from my ordained purpose, and instead, intervening upon His perfect timing and plan for both the individual in need, and humanity as a whole.
He knows I would be funding what I should not, and getting into hot water, rather than cooling off before taking action.
He knows I would see to the removal of all local councils, corrupt political leaders, MSM, and 99% of every three letter organization, including and not limited to, the WHO, FDA, CDC, CMA, AMA, as well as the UN, and countless others, and doing so BEFORE HIS PERFECT TIMING for bringing them all to justice for deliberately supporting the PlanDemic and everything evil noted above, and then some.
BUT IMAGINE, if not for the allowance of the PlanDemic (God knows all things before they happen), the world would still be living and moving forward in ignorance of what is now being brought out into the open for the world to see - all according to promise and plan.
I know who wins in the end! I know these demonic clowns will be brought to justice, with a choice to repent and be forgiven of their sins for serving the devil, or refusing and spending all of eternity in hell, which is no laughing matter.
In closing, Luke 16:19-31 describes clearly for people, that upon death, man is conscious of what was and what is ... the distinction between heaven and hell is a chasm ... and the poor man ends up on the right side of the chasm (heaven), while the rich man (nothing to do with money, everything to do with faith), ends up on the wrong side of the chasm (hell).