Satan has us coming and going, and we must become more vigilant. Concerning a website I had placed some trust in (RRN), it too is showing itself more and more as another deceptive site, appearing good but with dark undertones surfacing, providing what seems like fake information using a form of bate & switch, a deliberate tactic perhaps, causing further division & confusion around the PlanDemic, fraudulent 2020 American election fiasco; disappointing to say the least, with my last post, re, 'Tom Hanks' scratching the surface. I continue monitoring the site, but no longer placing much credence in its content.

This is the Worship of Baphomet a Demonic Hand Sign
Speaking of this (RRN) site in question, I also noticed that a few of the comments, if you click on their names, they lead to phony/fake sites. For example PatriotGal (fake RRN link) * Dave (fake link) * Jim (fake RRN link) * Otto (fake Comcast link) *** Thing is, one doesn't have to add a site when commenting/registering!????
What is interesting however, the last name noted, 'Otto' (fake Comcast link), is the name of Tom Hanks newest movie coming out on January 13, 2023 entitled 'A Man Called Otto' - RRN reported Tom Hanks executed 2021 - and this movie is clearly a double or clone of Hanks - seriously dark and weird.
Regarding an apology received and forgiven without reservation on said site
Reply to Pastor Kevin
I was not directing my statements to you specifically, Kevin. Not every preacher is as honest as you are. I was referring to the preachers unlike you, who capitulate and give in to this nonsense, who knowingly do take the shot (putting their trust in man and not God for their health), and who do tell their congregations to take the shot despite the teachings that Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit (but they ignore that for this shot), and some (not all) knowing the shots have aborted baby cells in them. You know who some of them are.
That’s the worst part. I would never do it. It makes me so angry that evil people are killing us and that it is being sanctioned by Luciferians, and many people are buying into the lies. Not all preachers are like this, but the ones that do make preachers like you look bad. I really wish they would open their eyes and ears and prayerfully double-check what they hear and receive as truth.
The labels from the pharmaceutical companies speak for themselves — one example is AstraZeneca that shows aborted cells liens are used in the manufacturing of these clotshots.
I have colleagues who have knowingly taken the lethal shots and boosters, social-distanced themselves, worn masks, and not only did they get COVID when they were told they would not get it because they were lied to like the rest of us, but some of them know about the aborted cell lines in the shots. This is very disappointing when they know beyond question that abortion is murder of unborn life. Connect that to the clotshots and they put their lives and the lives of their unborn babies on the line; that is reprehensible.
Hope is not in a death shot, not in boosters, but in the Messiah Himself.
It’s bad enough people who have not heard the Good News are getting the shot and die twice — that’s 147,000 every year who never hear it — but those who are saved are still getting the shot and their DNA, which has God’s mark on each and every cell, is changed with the shot.
And over a million people every year are recruited, welcomed or lured into secret societies like the Freemasons, Shriners, Jesters and false cults like Wicca and Santeria as well as the Illuminati, to do the devil’s work, but they have free will to choose. Far fewer people are hearing the Good News from Christians for many reasons, although they have free will to choose. Hope in eternity is not only lost, but taken away.
In no way am I angry and accusatory at you in particular. I’m angry at what evil people are doing in these biolabs with carte blanche, and we need to stand up and fight. Just because we as believers know what is happening is playing before our eyes in Biblical prophecy, doesn’t make it nicer or easier. I hate lies and betrayal and intentional corruption, so yes, I do speak very strongly against these things.
The ones of whom you speak who just take Bible verses and think they know it all are making a tragic mistake getting the jab. The mature ones who are Biblically literate still insist on taking the shot and have experience in the medical field and who should know better are also making a tragic mistake getting the jab.
One woman in particular I know is a Christian and both she and her daughter work in the medical field, but they both not only took the shot, but signed up her 93-year-old mother for the shot, and she admitted she got COVID anyway. She refused to look at the research I offered her showing the dangers, refused to verify for herself check anything about the aborted cell lines in the shots for herself because she put her complete trust in the FDA pushing out these shots, calling the inoculation very reliable and that people would not get COVID, trusting in man and not God, in science and not His Healing power.
I do not wish anybody dead. Not ever. This is why I’m so very angry that these depraved people are working in biolabs concocting these deadly plagues to kill us all to serve their master, Lucifer.
Morticians are speaking out in the US, the UK, Canada and Australia because they are pulling clots out of the veins of corpses while preparing them for burial, and the stats are at 80-95%. These dead people took the clotshots while still alive, whether or not they had other diseases at the time they took the shots. SOME OF THEM WERE CHILDREN, AND CHILDREN DON’T GET COVID.
There are funeral directors calling on coffin makers and buying coffins, including increased orders for children’s coffins, in bulk because of the high rates of excess deaths from the clot-shots — not just in America, but globally.
These occurrences never happened before 2021-2022.
We all need to fight back against these treacherous people. And as believers in Christ, we know our weapons are not carnal so we fight spiritual wickedness. Sometimes in physical defense. But fight back we must.
Sadly, there are some people who say that as Christians we should be super-sweet and not object to the ones in charge, should not be angry and should not resist and should not resist and not fight back. It took one preacher from Canada to speak up and not be like that in the face of evil, because some are apathetic. Those are the people making a huge mistake in resisting this deadly genocide.
In no way did I say you, Kevin, were the one telling people not to protest, and not to speak up, and not to resist. Please do not take it that way. I never accused you of being apathetic or telling people to be like that.
If intentional global genocide on the part of evil leaders serving our eternal enemy Satan, and lying to people about a plague that requires a death sentence from a deadly shot while deceiving some of Jesus’s own sheep does not make people angry and does not wake them up so they can fight back and resist and call on God for help, they are not human beings.
Life is sacred.
Pastor Kevin
Reply to Xena
Well said, apology understood and accepted Xena. You’re forgiven without reservation; a refreshing and comforting response, as in your integral and Christ-first position, considering as you have shared, a troublesome matter for myself also, how Christians, especially leaders who have adopted such demonic ignorance, with the audacity to bow to the devil under the roof of the House of God, is boggling to me.
PS: the names PatriotGal, Dave, Jim, and Otto (for example), are all linked to fake sites. Dave to a fake CharlieWard domain, and OTTO, which is the name of Tom Hanks January 2023 new movie coming out is ‘A MAN CALLED OTTO – just thought you might like to know this – guessing this (RRN) is some form of fake bating site to cause further division and confusion.
We are at a crossroad in life, deserving of everything we get because of our ignorance.
Xena couldn't have said it any better! She understands and stands firm, unwavering in her faith, and what should be the position of all Christians who claim faith in Jesus Christ Living God; as you can read from her response, that is simply not the case - very sad indeed.
In closing, as I have been proclaiming for many years, it is not only the result of the pride in man, Christian included, but additionally, a direct result of denominational pride that brings denominational doctrine to the pulpit, in place of God's Holy Bible Doctrine (2 Timothy 3:16), SIXTY-SIX BOOKS ONLY (not 73), 31,173 verses worth, nothing added and nothing taken away. The devil knows pride all too well, and how to use it for his ultimate end-game purpose - knowing he's already defeated, but thrives on stealing, killing, and destroying everything good right to the end, where he will spend eternity in hell; until then, keeping the world and deceived Christians right where he wants them, and only the Christian has the power & ability to resist him (James 4:7), while refusing to believe & not doubt (Mark 11:24).