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An Analogy The Sheep Don't Understand & Perhaps too Late

My brother-inlaw, a smart, wonderful, kind, warm, and jack of all trades, master of none kind of person, and my favorite of three (Shhh), fits into the 'SHEEP' category; those who believe in the pandemic scare tactic, taking the bait hook, line, and sinker, and MSM enthralled.

Additionally, is that he and my wife are inseparable, a good thing in most cases. But with this one, not so good, being the influence that helped lead his sister, my wife, to embrace a lie to the point of granting permission to inject poison into her body, against her husbands advice.

The irony of it all, is that my brother-inlaw travels to Cuba yearly, often a couple times, spending a couple months per-visit, witnessing the oppression of his Cuban friends under a communist dictatorship, worse again amidst the PlanDemic, complaining about their suffering, without the slightest inkling that said communist dictatorship underlies the PlanDemic, the distraction needed to take over the greatest super-power on earth, the USA, as the forerunner to launch their New World Order for global communist takeover.

NO? Then you my dear friend/reader, if said PlanDemic is not exposed sooner than later for what it is, you're in for a rude awakening, because life in Cuba today, is paradise to what is planned by the minds of the Cabal behind the PlanDemic - and 500,000,000 people from eight billion, is all they need and are interested in, as a first depopulation agenda.

I'm still a conspiracist? Fair enough! If you're a betting person, which I'm normally not, but in this case I'll make an exception; let us sign an affidavit, your home for my home.

A/ I prove you wrong, nothing to do with health, everything to do with global communist control, human trafficking, child sacrifice, and everything perverted, I get your home.

B/ I'm proven wrong, pandemic only as you say, you get my home! DEAL?

Before you take the bet, you're wise to watch 'ALL' thirty documentaries found on the pdf immediately below, by an award winning journalist/investigative reporter from Europe.

In closing, adding a more relevant twist to this post, is unquestionably the wisest decision anyone can make, PlanDemic or not. And that is to place your trust in Jesus Christ, assuring, no matter what happens during a global takeover, dying by natural means, in a world with or without the Cabal removed, guarantees that you will live on even though you die.

We are told in John 3:16, "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

Jesus tells us in John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."

He tells us also in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

And Romans 10:9 suggests, "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."


Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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