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Always Room For Learning

This song, something I wrote many years ago, came to mind when one of my pastoral leaders in India sent me the following photos, showing the destruction of homes, leaving its owners homeless and without sustenance of any kind, as a result of Hindu's showing their disapproval of fellow India natives choosing to believe differently than themselves.

If there was ever a more evident time for us to know when someone doesn't have truth in them, this is it. Really? Because someone chooses to think or believe differently than we do, so we destroy, hate, murder, and/or threaten? The devil comes to divide & conquer via ignorance.

Let me be candid! Is this not exactly as the monsters behind the PlanDemic, better known as the Cabal, of marxist, communist, socialist thought, who have had the globe locked down for closing in on three years? We are where we are because of such ignorance, and unwilling to see the truth that sets us free of such idiocy; not to mention - playing games with said truth, Christian, doesn't make you the example people need to see to become a Christian.

Question: "Do you suppose that if the hindu's who aided in such hateful and destructive activity to destroy this home were Christian, that they would have taken such action?"

Question: "Do you suppose that the young Iranian Muslim, caught a few years back in a city in Ontario Canada, would have been caught making a bomb, and charged with terrorism, if he had of been a Christian?"

I've said it before, and will say it again, "You cannot know truth if you do not have truth in you."

We, as a global populous need to get it together. We are so close to exterminating ourselves by nuclear power; well, 6.5 billion perhaps, while the remaining monsters carry on!

If I appear angry, it's because I am. But hey, I know my weaknesses, do you? God knows me all too well, but by grace through salvation, sees me as white as snow, perfect in His eyes - and yet in my own mind, I know I am His most undisciplined and imperfect servant.

It sickens me to see what beauty there is in this world, only to see it dominated at the time for lack of truth ... and all ... 100% because of a handful, the Cabal, who have led the masses to the dummy state they are in, by so easily manipulating all the minions they need to actually believe the devil, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, has the better team, and pays much better. From judicial judges, retail, banking, medical, and all corporate CEO's, celebrities too many to count, Mayors, councilors, Premiers, Governors, professors, teachers, seminaries included, have all been bought, and nicely propagated their indoctrinated degrees to the world, verbally and text included, anything and everything but the truth.

But BE WARNED! Idiocy only pays temporarily, and after that, unless repentance comes into play, said foolishness will be rewarded with a long, long, and hot eternal battle, as deserved, and the likes of idolatry, including allah, buddha, Confucius, new age spirituality, evolution, monkey's, reincarnation, or even the book of mormon, with zero evidence to support any of it, will not be coming to your rescue; JESUS CHRIST IS GOD - there is no other.

God's inerrant and infallible living word tells us:

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? (Mark 8:36)

For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all. (Luke 8:17)

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable. (Hebrews 4:13)

I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them. (Deuteronomy 32:35)


Prior to the four verses of God's living word, who always speaks boldly and clearly, no issue about setting the record straight - no concerns about calling a spade a spade, and He is the ONE I follow; my dear friend & reader, I judge no one, and speak only what most will not.

  • I first hold myself accountable to the living word, all of it, not bits & pieces. If my faith is not firm, God cannot make me stand firm, and live without worry, fear, and doubt.

  • Secondly, in many writings, I'm calling out those whom I empathize with, who are placing their faith in anything but Christ, with nothing to support their position, leaving their souls at risk of eternal damnation.

  • Thirdly, and pretty much all the time, I am calling out fellow Christians, for the most part, who should know better, but as guilty as the world, profoundly evident during the PlanDemic - vaxxed and wearing masks? That's not faith, that's fear!

Be sure to read my next post entitled "Breaking Down the Prayer 'Error' of a Wonderful Humble Leader" - a grave error that is killing the heart of the church and those running out their doors.


We should learn to love our fellowman - and learn not to criticize

We should want to help those in need - there's a time and place for pride

We should learn to shake the hand of a friend - in trust like we used to do

Yes there's always room for learning - but it all starts with you

Yes there's always room for learning - in everything we do

And there's no crime in changing - an attitude or two

Learn to treat thy neighbor - like you'd want them to treat you

Yes there's always room for learning - but it all starts with you

Who am I to think I'm better - than any man alive

Race, creed, or color - should be set aside

We can learn from each other - we can grow as family

Take your stand, shake a friendly hand - just like me

Yes there's always room for learning - in everything we do

And there's no crime in changing - an attitude or two

Learn to treat thy neighbor - like you'd want them to treat you

Yes there's always room for learning - but it all starts with you

Yes there's always room for learning - but it all starts with you ...


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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