To generalize, it's safe to say that the majority of the global populous has and continues to miss this window of opportunity that is unquestionably too powerful to ignore.
The younger the person, learning about this window, as with all wisdom, the better, for we suddenly find ourselves taking a 180 degree turn, completely contrary to what the world teaches; gravely deceived for hundreds of years.

Behind this deliberate manipulation, right as wrong, wrong as right, truth as lies, and lies as truth, is none other than the god of this world, the devil/satan himself, disguised as an angel of light - with one of his most treasured deceptions to man I'm, sure is that of evolution.
He has placed the right people, in the right places, at just the right time for the right reasons, blinding his minions by any and every crafty means possible, so they too can only see, think, and do just as he does; steal, kill, and destroy without heart or remorse.
The world is about to witness such heartless activity in real time, when the the PlanDemic disguised as a pandemic, is exposed for what it really is and always has been - and too many to count, will be shocked at what they hear and see.
So what is this 'Window of Opportunity,' you ask? Simply put, it is being still & quiet, or walking in the serenity of God's creation, without the typical worldly brainwashing distractions that have led society from a 12 minute attention span in 2000, to only an 8 second attention span by 2019.
Such non-stop interruptions come by way of our phone, or headsets, redirecting our attention and focus, losing the ability to think for ourselves; always an ad; always a beep as to what's being missed on faceybook or other social media; ad prompts to buy this or buy that; to do this or do that; to dress this way and not that way; and on it goes day in, day out, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
A few years back, my second last faceybook page attempt (last one a God thing - going from 0-5K third world connections in less than 7 days), I connected with some co-workers and friends and suggested one of these awesome 'Window of Opportunity' ideas that we could meet at the entrance of a well used trail, no phones, no headsets, 1hr each way, where we could enjoy some quiet escape if you will, gab with friends and new friends, as something different. Great response, absolutely, serious interest! Come go time, zero show, just me.
Psalm 118:24 tells us: "This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it," but how can we rejoice and be glad any day, with our heads full of ongoing distractions, from endless ads, to music, to SM fake popularity and likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, from sunrise to sunset, only to rise and start all over again?

In closing, this morning, November 29, 2021, our first snowfall of a couple inches, beautiful as it was and -4 with no wind, found me on one of many trails in my area, and it's hard to describe the peace amidst the quiet offered us when we are willing to take adventure to a whole new level; no phone, no headset, nothing but quiet.
You must give this a try, and again, the younger the better, as this unusual quiet can find you addicted to the right addiction, in touch with the very elements that were long ago spoken into being by the 'WORD,' of the very real, living God, Jesus Christ Living God, and He wants to connect with you, one on one.
Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!
Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.
I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!