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A Distraction by a Promiscuous Woman or a PlanDemic Hides Anything

The promiscuous woman, worthy of much more than she gives herself credit, has been distracting men for centuries, and always will. The PlanDemic however, has been tried and tested many times in preparation for the ultimate distraction - to steal the 2020 American Presidential Election that would launch a global communist New World Order objective.

Thank God, as in Jesus Christ Living God, provably divine, for if not for His mercy on this world deserving of extermination, knowing all things taking place disguised as a pandemic alone, you wouldn't be reading this post, nor would I have written it; we'd be toast!

In the movie, 'Bastille Day,' based around true events, maybe even the nude scene, this young woman was financially coerced into parading herself stark naked down the long set of stairsteps of a prominent building, and while said public nudity distraction was taking place, both male and female enthralled, their pockets and wrists were being picked; leading into disclosing an incredible truth behind political and police corruption - our new world reality!

Nothing like a distraction, right! Military Tribunals are uncovering the distraction stories from countless thousands, on trial for genocide and crimes against humanity, soon to be public knowledge, politicians, Mayor's, Premier's, Senator's, Prime Minister's, wanna-be Presidents, and too many Hollywood celebrities to count.

Russia and Ukraine for example, according to the MSM, Russia is the instigator leading us to WW3 - so laughable and yet not so funny in the face of reality that 90% cannot see.

THAT'S THE DISTRACTION needed by the Cabal, using the MSM to cover-up the evidences within the Ukraine, such as the Bio-Labs to create further vaccine plandemics, the worlds largest Human Trafficking DUMBS networks, linked to the Vatican, the Pope, the fake Queen Elizabeth and her fake royalty family, one big lie; and the gazillions of extorted and embezzled funds used to fund said wars and impoverishment around the world.

With all that said, we have the SM giants blocking truth the people need; but the majority of global population don't believe this - and even those who know this to be truth, still use their corrupt services!

MSM, for the past forty-three years from personal experience, long proven to be suppressing free speech and hiding truth, are allowing controlled and dictated narrative only; and even those who know this to be truth, are still tuning in; CNN, GLOBAL, NBC, CBS, CBC, CTV lol!

And the likes of CDC, AMA, CMA, WHO, FDA, and conglomerate names such as Disney, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Dell computers, facebook, Government of Canada, Health Canada, Catholic University of Maule - too many to list and all proven involved in the PlanDemic to some degree ... while additionally lying to the public about tobacco, mercury, fluoride, GMO's, sweeteners, raw milk, you name it, and for years, where does that leave us!

In closing, embarrassing as this is, being a Christian leader, the furthest from perfection, we have Christians teaching so far off biblical truth, adding and taking away from the living word, it's truly disgraceful; and if not for grace alone, we are worthy of nothing shy of incineration - for when those who claim to know the only inerrant and infallible truth known to man, the only true and living God, and yet, cannot explain it properly and according to what is written, then who are we as Christians - how disgraceful is our witness?

2 Timothy 2:15 (NLT) "Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth."

PS: Speaking of Hollywood celebrities - click HERE or on the graphic below to see/hear them shine at their best


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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