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WE ARE DUMB AS SHEEP and the devil is wise like God - Hear me out!

I know what you're thinking, "He has a lot of nerve telling me I'm dumb as a sheep."

Jesus told us to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, and yet, Flip Wilson proved to us for almost four full seasons that we prefer to do as told only when it satisfies me, myself, & I.

The devil is wise like God, but not wise as God.

In describing the 'wiles of the devil,' Got Questions puts it this way - "Wiles are tricks or manipulations designed to deceive someone. The tongue-in-cheek phrase a woman’s wiles refers to the seductiveness of femme fatales in using charm or sex appeal to elicit a desired response from men. Wiles of the devil are those clever schemes used by Satan to ensnare us through temptation, threat, or intimidation. Ephesians 6:11 warns us to “put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.” (NLT). Other Bible versions speak of the “devil’s schemes,” “strategies,” or “evil tricks” rather than “wiles.” Scripture gives us insight into our enemy’s tactics: “We are not unaware of his schemes,” (2 Corinthians 2:11), and we are wise to heed its warnings."

For example, I admire the Pitbull in Stew Peters on BITCHUTE, and yet just five days ago, he's still preaching the poisonous jabs of the covid-lie-vaccine, and 23K people are tuning in to hear that same message we've heard already, probably 23 million times - HELLO!

ChemBuster, Silent War, and Nemos News Network are all preaching the exact same message 'FAUCI BLAMES UNVAXXED FOR VAX GENOCIDE' *** Rebel News is still preaching about being arrested, again, for doing their job *** or Sergeant Major is still preaching that 'ANOTHER SENATOR' accidently spills more beans!

Is this not grasping at straws? Is this not the faceybook self-esteem building, popularity game of 'ANYTHING FOR LIKES AND VIEWS?' Is the patriot effort, in many cases, not causing as much fear mongering as the MSM, but from the 'good-guys' perspective? Is that not counterproductive?

This is evident in itself that 'WE ARE DUMB AS SHEEP' and the devil is wise like God, because the devil HAS US DOING what he wants and needs us to do, adding to his chaos, fear, worry, doubt, and confusion, rather than being wise as serpents and innocent as doves, MEANING - we should be doing the exact opposite, being part of the solution and not part of the problem! We are causing as much confusion, if not more, only from a different perspective *** and as a result, the PlanDemic, unnecessarily, drags on and on as the people get more and more discouraged - also part of the devil's plan.

"If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God."

What should we do? If the devil is leading the crowd!

If you were to visit Lie Vaccine, you would discover, not my opinion, but the balance and understanding to help us remove the confusion behind all the repetitive PlanDemic and election fraud issues. We don't need more of what we already know, right, fair enough!

From here, knowing the global health institution is corrupt to the core and proven as such; knowing the election fraud was the first step in bringing down the USA and proven as such; knowing there's a very deep dark secret at the root of the PlanDemic, nothing to do with health, and all as a result of being seriously 'BRAINWASHED' and proven as such; knowing the MSM and SM is also sadly corrupt and part of the Cabal process for global communist control, and proven as such; knowing the covid-lie vaccine is unnecessary, genetically engineered with a purpose full of harmful ingredients, and proven as such; knowing that no one has had to die and no one needs to die moving forward, and proven as such; and knowing that an independent Constitution Republic Government is on its the way for all nations, and proven as the best solution for we the people; and knowing that over six thousand deliberately hidden medical discoveries will soon be made available, including Med-Beds, for a healthier world, along with Quantum everything, including a new banking, internet, and Media system from the former corrupt systems, and proven as such, SHOULD WE NOT THEN be celebrating and sharing the anticipation of what is to come, and not remain in yesteryear helping the devil add more confusion?

Our Hearts Desires Can be Fulfilled

From this point forward, we should pass along this simple site for understanding, while encouraging people to move forward, avoiding all the unnecessary rubbish and repetitive rehashing of information that causes more confusion and discouragement; instead, filling up with the good news of what's coming, just around the corner, sooner than later.

PS: Matthew 21:22 wasn't added to the living word as filler ... but instead to let us know that if we will just believe, by faith alone, our hearts desires can be fulfilled.


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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