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This Devil's Advocate Bares A Smile - Leaving a Suiting 'Rockefeller' Legacy

Some people are brought up to believe they can accomplish anything they put their heart and mind to. Some told they are stupid and will accomplish nothing, while others, are brought up to believe they are God, or like god; the man in question, a Rockefeller descendant, computer-guy turned doctor, without a PhD, actually and literally believes he must do what 'God,' is apparently not doing!

The words from the mouth of this demon, "We need to immediately reduce the global population by at least three billion people, beginning in Africa, because those people are deplorable anyhow and will not be missed," is suiting and all encompassing of the Rockefeller family name.

In scripture, the devil is described as one disguised as an angel of light - or as a harmless sheep but really as a vicious wolf - and yet if we resist this devil, in the name of Jesus, he will flee from us.

Now although, figuratively, metaphorically, and spiritually speaking, we must cease to make light of the world in which we live, for as Paul teaches the Ephesians in Chapter 6 Verse 12, "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."

The words, 'must cease to make light of the world in which we live,' is worthy of repetition, on the grounds that the teaching in which it is referring, is the only book known to man that cannot be discredited, was not written by man alone, but rather, by the inspiration of forty-plus God inspired men, who wrote, irrefutably, only what they were inspired to write.

Challengers are encouraged to show the world how said book, the Holy Bible is erroneous and fallible, for 'IF YOU CAN' you may call yourself 'god' - for far too many have taken this path, time and time again and failed.

In closing, this challenge is also to you, that you might dare to ponder this demonic advocate who bares a smile while playing 'God' - for his hidden agenda, with countless fellowman, is to depopulate the world, little by little, to 500,000,000; you're not included!


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