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The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds by: Susan Price

The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing

technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional

medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing


Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very

different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.

The third leading cause of death is hospital stays and procedures, majority of which are unwarranted

No doubt, this is definitely one of the most profound technologies and said to have been

used in the secret space program for over 80 years; imagine health care and maintenance

so advanced that it can turn back the hands of time erasing the physical; mental and

emotional scars and battles of the everyday traumas of life and aging process through the

technologies of frequency healing and quantum devices.

They will arrive in the very near future, although exact dates have not been released yet.

Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are two primary forces behind the Med Beds and said

that the time frame of our abilities to utilize these modern-day free energy-based “Fountain of Youth” healing devices could start with the roll-out as early as late 2021. More dire estimates say it could take up to ten years, depending on the environment of society.

Advanced medical technologies literally rejuvenate the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems within the human body.

Med Beds are the destination of perfect health and wellness, and civilization as we know it is

now within that journey.

When this earth-changing re-atomization process known as “Regenerative Technology” is

released to the public, it will reduce health care costs to nearly nothing at about 20%.

There is speculation of how much control the public investors will hold as there have to be

measurements put in place to safeguard manipulation and greed. Remember, we’ve all

experienced bouts with the weaponization of all things good and bad; deep state operatives

exist in all industries.

The military-industrial complex once controlled and operated these patents, and many

others, dangling them in front of us through their deep-state owned Sci-Fi and Hollywood

movie productions.

These medical miracles perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repairs, cellular,

DNA, reconstruction, and regeneration through free energy systems via Tesla energy coils,

new anti-gravity, and replicator devices, aiming to correct human body imperfections.

There are said to be three different types of Holographic Med Beds, each one performing a

specific healing modality as they will be used in conjunction with trained medical supervision, returning our physical bodies into the most optimal shape without having our organs removed, use of radiation and chemotherapy or being sliced and diced.

This also means that our bodies will be free of the dysfunction of disease and scars, we won’t need to be rehabilitated as our organs, bones, and all systems within our bodies will be fully repaired. It sounds too good to be true, but this is the quantum leap into the new 100% natural healing as God intended, and before long, every country around the world will be ready to receive its supply of Holographic Medical Beds.

We will know we are close to receiving this world’s precious gift when the announcement of NESARA / GESARA comes to pass, as the introduction of over 6,000 patents and cures will be among them; imagine, the cure for cancer, hidden on a shelf for years, while the pink ribbon cancer cashcow fiasco has continued to deceive and rob the people blind playing god.

These Quantum Therapy Med-Beds will come in three different varieties and three unique functions; they all work on vibrational and frequency levels with refracting lenses and 3D scanners, as well as surgically precise lasers for opening and closing wounds.

These quantum healing devices contain vast monitoring technologies allowing the health

practitioner to be fully informed throughout the diagnostic and repair sessions. Med-Beds

create maximum human repair via minimal invasion by way of light and energy through

tachyonic particles and plasma energy.

Since we live in a vibrational universe, humans being of a vibrational nature, the healing occurs through a homeopathic frequency realignment approach with little to no side effects.

All three of the Med-Beds work with similar technologies, and converted for three divergent treatments.

The Holographic Med Bed is built with advanced but limited artificial intelligence that works

together with the human connection of a health professional to ensure the full measure of

healing. They come equipped with features containing air-tight and see-through operating

shields, reducing germs and claustrophobia, comfortable limb rests, liquid spray anesthetics,

laser scalpels, laser mirrors, vital sign sensory and display diagnostic and analysis

identification, and computer-controlled surgical arms. The computer used in operations is

similar to that of an MRI machine, yet instead of radiation and magnetics, Med-Beds use

plasmatic energy on a subatomic and vibrational level.

Performs live scans of the human body; diagnosis and treats any imperfections and illnesses

within a short amount of time and great accuracy; scanning every inch and system within the

physical body, diagnosing and interpreting of blood, skin, bones, organs, muscles,

neurological, glands, and hormonal deficiencies. This Med-Bed will also perform a painless

blood and DNA analysis, searching and correcting any hereditary markers leading to various

predisposed illnesses.

Any surgery will be completed immediately through laser, including heart surgery, appendix,

C-sections, and others within this Holographic Med Bed.

The Regeneration Med Bed Resonance field benefits those who require organ transplants,

have missing or severed limbs, or requiring skin graft work, as well as cell memory, stem cells, and DNA template work; it has endless applications.

The Rejuvenation & Regression Bed rejuvenates cells; offers age and memory regression

therapy; and heals all the senses, especially sight, sound, and taste, that have become dull

through trauma or age; this therapy bed also eliminates unwanted suppressed memory; which will support and heal so many victims who have endured mental and emotional anguish.

PTSD, and traumatic memory sufferers, will benefit also from the use of this Med Bed as

it heals the heart-mind connection ridding disparity. This is also considered the foundation of youth. It will return the appearance of yesteryear, returning muscle tone, tightened skin,

working with our individual DNA templates, and multiple refractory lenses and body’s internal clock; these procedures are performed pain-free, and with a seemingly and finite divine touch.

Before the deployment of Med Beds meets with the arrival of the world, trained technology and manufacturing crews must be established to keep up with the world’s supply in the

creation and infrastructure along with the environment of society’s weaponized forces

dissipated to prevent future greed and control.

Society, as we know, wants all good things yesterday, never in the existence of humankind,

have we been blessed with the news of such miraculous medical advancements; we are

currently sitting on the horizon of a limitless and creative tomorrow; let’s learn from history

and protect destiny’s power from those who have destroyed the fringes of our past.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." Nikola Tesla

In closing, Pastor Kevin of Ontario Canada says it this way: "Perhaps wiser still of us, might be to go one step further, placing all concerns into the hands of the 'One' who spoke the universe into being, with all energy, frequency, and vibrations as part of the package."

PS: Pastor Kevin shares that it wasn't until the 19th and 20th centuries did physicists discover that the earth's outer core consisted of time, space, and matter, and yet, Jesus Christ Living God, speaking the world into being, in Genesis 1:1, identifies for us, "In the beginning (TIME), God created the Heavens (SPACE) and the Earth (MATTER)."


Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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