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Putting the Pieces Together - Vaxxed | Masked | Lost in the Lies

'Elysium' is the movie - The PlanDemic is the wake-up call - The Georgia Guidestones is your confirmation ... now do your homework!

Video/Audio perspective of this "One of Three Things is About to Happen Any Day Now," can be seen HERE.

Is it possible to be this taken in, conned, brainwashed, bamboozled? You tell me! Are you vaxxed for covid-19? Do you wear a mask? The masses are, and do, so I'm guessing that yes, you're very much caught up in the lies - the gravest of all lies in the history of mankind. Am I just another conspiracist, as you may be thinking right now?

What I wouldn't do to have access to the billions belonging to too many billionaires who are investing said billions to depopulate the world (exterminate you) as we know it - down to 500,000,000 to be exact! NO? Check HERE! If I did, knowing that money is a huge motivator, I gladly pass along, a hundred thousand a person, as an incentive to do some homework.

Homework, as in 'The Georgia Guidestones,' for starters, if truth is what you seek. Otherwise, you will continue to be led astray by your mainstream and social media hotlines, sharing only what they themselves are paid billions to keep you informed of, LIES, LIES, and more LIES.

There is zero evidence to support a pandemic, contrary to what you have been told, and if there was an actual pandemic, 90% of the globe would be dead already because the designer masks people are wearing DO ZIP to protect you ... mere fact confirmed by thousands of global medical professionals. Great PlanDemic info found HERE!

The next thing, although too many movies that could work, including 'The Island' you must find and watch the movie 'Elysium' (2011 Matt Damon & Jodie Foster), being one that should not be missed, for what used to be fiction, can be our new reality, soon to be exposed, if not too late, how deep and dark said pit of hell goes with our current PlanDemic wake-up call.

As sincerely as I can be, while appreciating that in 2000 our attention span was 12 minutes, and coincidently by 2019 it was only 8 seconds *** 'Elysium' is the movie - The PlanDemic is the wake-up call - and The Georgia Guidestones is your confirmation that there is much more taking place around us today than meets the eye, and YOU MUST do your homework.

This is not a joke, and I can assure you, I'm the furthest thing from a conspiracist, and everything you could expect from a person willing to give his life for you, your family, and the billions around the world who are being seriously deceived of salvation and future, if I thought it could expose the truth behind the gravest of all lies in the history of mankind; a PlanDemic, disguised as a pandemic, leading the sheep without a shepherd to slaughter.

PS: IF WE DO NOT WAKE UP AND DEMAND TRUTH TO BE SHOWN - if not too late already - the movie Elysium can provide a close up visual result deserving out of ignorance.

May the living God, Jesus Christ Living God, show His mercy and draw unto Him the unsaved to salvation that no more will perish during this very dark time of the devils PlanDemic.


Invest in yourself! Invest in truth!

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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