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Man of Steel - Intended to Deceive

Man of Steel, Immortals, Titans, Spider Man, Season of the Witch, Cowboys & Aliens, 99.9% of Disney Movies, ET, Back to the Future, Young and the Restless (useless), and the list continues, right down to the establishment of denominations within the Christian faith - all intended to deceive, demoralize, and create disbelief in the 'ONLY' piece of absolute, inerrant, and infallible truth known to mankind, as found in the Holy Bible; sin is sin!

Many have and always will speak of this truth as a lie, and yet, like the current PlanDemic, disguised as the pandemic, the politicians, medical leaders, bought and paid for judges and global media, continue to lead with fear mongering campaigns, while offering 'ZERO' third party pathologist accountability to support pandemic status - primarily because there is none, never has been, and never will be.

The devil is good at what he does, with his primary objective of stealing, killing, and destroying all in his path who disagree and follow such truth that defeated him at the cross, in death and resurrection.

Those willing to be bold and proud, following the crowd, and most appealing, those without a conscience, Obama's, Bush's, and Clinton's, for example, willing to trust in the almighty dollar, can be granted temporal gratification, satanic deception - and yet the living God says: "what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?"

I love and appreciate good fiction and action as well as anyone, yet, cannot help but chuckle at such lines as, "Clark, you are the answer we've been looking for about other planets and people in the universe," because that is the whole objective of the Hollywood and media scene - making everything from evolution, aliens, witches, flying kung-fu fighters, to super hero's from other galaxies and dimensions, to appear as real life stuff - masters of deception.

From every angle possible, the devil puts on your blinders. And sadly, unless you know the truth that sets you free, as in accepting Jesus as your Lord & Savior, faith alone, nothing more, nothing less, you cannot begin to see what you need to see. As in the song, Amazing Grace, "I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see."

In closing, yours truly was in his thirtieth year of life and on his way out the door of a third marriage before opening a book called 'The Power of Positive Thinking,' that was dropped onto my lap; chance or providence? Following thirty-five years of trial, challenge, victory, and study, my explanation of that is that there is no such thing as coincidence, but God in action.


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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