'The Island' a Front Row Seat
Question: " How can a 75 year old look, sing, and dance as though they were still 40?

It's one thing to have a little, or a lot, of nip & tuck cosmetic surgery, as say the late Kenny Rogers, comedian Joan Rivers, or surprisingly both Gloria & Kenneth Copeland. But that alone is simply not enough anymore, when the whole cloning paradigm adds youth & longevity to the equation; for confirmation, one might ask Dolly Parton.
I'm not saying Dolly is cloned - I pray not - I have no evidence, other than watching & listening closer than ever before because of what I know from research plus HERE
Have you seen Dolly's 2022 Mountain Magic Christmas Special?

A little too polished - too smooth from head to toe to be mere nip & tuck?
Could a soulless clone still sing about Jesus & scream at the devil as Dolly does here?
Do a little self research HERE

Released in 2005 'THE ISLAND,' set in the time of 2019, in reality, coinciding with what was already on its way, the PlanDemic, the role of Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly "Utopian" but contained facility, in a real life DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases.) Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully-controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to The Island — reportedly the last uncontaminated location on the planet. But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie - being cloned for disposal.
This is a must-see-movie *** not to be taken lightly!

Speaking of 2019 and coinciding with the reality of our 'STILL' PlanDemic, consider in 2000 the average attention span was 12 minutes and by 2019 was only 8 seconds; do you suppose this happened by chance, or more likely by way of SM & tech addictions, brainwashing the people by some intentional form of psychosis or conscience transfer programming?
Consider mind programming has been a long time masterful marketing means to have the consumer buy, buy, and buy more of what they formerly had no reason or interest to buy - so to confuse, direct and limit thinking is far from out of line.
Consider the current acting and fake President of the USA, or Prime Minister Justin Castro Trudeau, both playing active criminal roles in the global PlanDemic and NWO fiasco.

How is this the same man?

How is this the same man?
How about Sarah Jessica Parker?

Sarah in the middle - is her face not as Dolly's face? Same nip & tuck surgeon or clone?
Clones, doubles, or masks, without Jesus as Savior in your life, there is no other explanation or resolve when a world continues to fuel itself, filling every void of the mind, body, soul, and spirit with empty philosophy, spiritualty, or mysticism - and now immortality?
We lost the latter in the garden, and the only way to get it back is by placing our trust in Jesus Christ - and not in the emptiness and idolatry the world offers as though real.
Jesus tells us in John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."
And in John 14:27 He tells us "I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid."
Remember a recent post, 'One Doesn't Have To Directly Serve The Devil To End Up In Hell,' so wisdom is suggesting, choose Jesus and live even though you die - don't choose Jesus and end up in _ _ _ _.
PS: I've never been a hell & damnation speaker, and under normal circumstances I don't believe it's needed - BUT - we are not living under normal circumstances today - not at all!
PPS: I'll bet your local MSM fake news didn't tell you that 54 American soldiers, 47 Army and 7 Marines died on December 25th, fighting against each other, did they?
PPPS: A Passed Over Truth Nugget
Fake MSM didn't report the actual cargo onboard the blocked ship in the Suez Canal either!
