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Chaos to Norm - Now What?

History has been proven to continue repeating itself, but could we be heading into a time where this will or could be a thing of the past, as in, chaos to norm - now what?

The world has met chaos, up close and personal, because of the biggest con in history, the PlanDemic, zero to do with health, but do we really know what norm is? Have we ever?

If our past has pretty much been a lie all of our lives, deceived into following, believing, and doing, the complete opposite to what was right, most everything a lie, little truth, not even close to the same person we would or could have been had we been born into truth, the question becomes, 'Now what?'

Do we simply overlook the past of lies and deception, and move forward pretending none of it ever happened, simply holding onto the lies as though they really were truth? Or do we look to the truth we were told and taught as lies, and build a new and better future?

Lots of questions, yet logically speaking, if we carry on as though the past never happened, holding fast to the lies we learned to be truth, rather than taking hold and building on the truth we were taught as lies, are we not setting ourselves up for failure, deceiving ourselves - building on the very evil that has and will continue deceiving the world, horrifically?

Considering that satan, the devil himself, who's mission in life is to steal, kill, and destroy anything and everything in his path, with his first and foremost primary objective, being to squash the only absolute truth known to mankind, capable of destroying him forever, Jesus Christ - then we must also take notice of how evident his motives are - not just behind the Cabal and PlanDemic, but behind every man who has ever founded a religion and called it 'god,' - behind every atheistic mind that impregnated the foolishness of 'evolution,' - or instigating the very people who having been funding the chaos and havoc of wars, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and keeping people living in debt until debt do they part.

How can a person openly share about the very answer people need, when they've been programmed to believe lies as truth and truth as a lie?

Humbly speaking, I have never thought of myself as a teacher, yet considering my four books, clearly a 'God thing,' you're encouraged to ...

... invest in yourself! Invest in truth!

Consider the purchase of one or all four Holy Spirit led authored books HERE or HERE addressing 'How & why we must connect with Jesus' * 'Man gives us religion - God gives us truth' * 'Lesson to live by' (powerful on grace & gratitude) * and 'Super hero's for Jesus' as a grass roots learning tool - awesome for children as well as new Christians.

I thank you ... and I thank you, Jesus, amen and amen!

In closing, I truly take no credit for these books, apart from being referred to as 'Pastor Kevin' on their covers. All credit and thanks must go to, Jesus Christ Living God, for He my friends 'LIVES' - He is not dead and in a grave - He is not a figment of man's imagination - He is not the lie that the world has been deceived into believing He is - BUT HE IS HOWEVER - the only absolute, undeniable, irrefutable, inerrant, and infallible truth known to mankind - and THE ONLY TRUTH than can support itself as 'DIVINE.'


Don't think religion - think personal connection with the author of life, promised Messiah, and Savior of the world!


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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