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BRAINWASHED - The Brink of Disaster is Knocking on our Door

Man's gravest enemy is not 'Jesus Christ!' However, the one advocating for Socialism, Marxism, Islamism, or Communism, IS INDEED our very real enemy - knocking on our door - 100% instigated and inspired by satanism - demonic satanic worship of the devil himself. 'Brainwashed' will either be our wakeup call, or our demise with no one to blame but self.

This movie/documentary raises the hair on the back of your neck, with testimonies of those who have lived the socialist, marxist, islamist, and/or communist ways of life, and it's not pretty. It's no walk in the park - it's not the freedom that first world nations have come to know all too well, only today, to be taking it all for granted - and why when there exists 'A Much Better Way?'

Our current PlanDemic, the world locked down and running around looking like fools, idiots in masks, unnecessarily, is only a hint of the brainwashing knocking on our door, promising something better, with no intentions to deliver.

As for the millennials, now living on easy street in first world nations, said to be in favor if they had a choice, of living under a socialist or communist government, might first consider an internship with real families who live this reality, before taking such a naïve stand. This would expose them to the reality of life, easy-street being non-existent; instead comparable to being tossed into a third world nation war, by yourself, living hand to mouth day in and day out, wondering, "will I live today or will I die?

In closing, you're encouraged to watch the above movie/documentary to see what's knocking at our door! It's very real! It doesn't have to be ... but until we are willing to do our part, thinking for ourselves, and watching and learning about what could be, seeking the truth we need, we all stand to lose. WE MUST come together ... WE MUST know and recognize the very evils as noted above that continue to present their lies and deception to we the people, as though the truth we need, WHEN IN FACT, it is just, 100%, the opposite - and if you go HERE you will indeed discover 'A Very Real and Much Better Way.'


© 2023 One Truth Many Lies * Holy Bible * Jesus Christ * Messiah * Savior * Contact = wearenotgod @ protonmail .com * Top of Page 

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