All my Christian battering, although not bantering, is an attempt to get you to wake up from playing into the hands of the devil by judging your fellow Christian brothers and sisters.
No? According to the living word, YES YOU ARE!
On Mark 9:40 alone, before we even get to the countless scriptures on judging, Matthew 7 alone, YES YOU ARE judging your fellow Christians, calling them anything and everything under the sun, while fulfilling the devils objective and God's warning in Galatians 5:15.
"But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another."
We cannot deny what Galatians 5:15 is telling us!

John MacArthur is the Christian leading master of all this. I remember being a great respecter of his teaching professionalism, and today, actually for many years, this man is way off base. We must agree to disagree, and I do, but have zero respect for those who choose less faith than others, judging those who believe in ALL of the living word and not selectively according to denominational doctrine, as in pro-Neo-Calvinists. ENOUGH already!
When Jesus Himself is teaching us in Mark 9:39-41"No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me. 40 Anyone who is not against us is for us. 41 If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded," who is Dr. John MacArthur, or a nobody like Pastor Kevin, to tell you differently?
Enough already!
We cannot argue with 'anyone who is not against us is for us,' no matter the translation or version of the inerrant and infallible word in our possession. Faith is faith, truth is truth, and the living word does not change like shifting shadows, as in pagan religions, one buddha saying we have a soul, the next saying we don't. God has truth, man does not!
Simply put, we can twist and turn and decipher, or anything we choose to do to such verses as Mark 11:24 that teaches us "I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours," and call it what we like - but we cannot judge those who stand on this verse, a literal promise from our living God who cannot lie and who's word will never fail us, choosing to BELIEVE and NOT DOUBT, exactly as it is teaching us to do.
The saints who have been judging 'Word of Faith' preaching, or the likes of the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, or Reverend Robert H. Schuller, or today's Joel Osteen (once guilty myself) - SHAME ON YOU (us), for our ignorance, while being more concerned about the speck in another' eye (envy), than the log in our own.
WE CANNOT - WE MUST NOT - take this perspective into the new world - IF WE ARE GRANTED SUCH a privilege before the Rapture. This ignorance is demonic and must die here and now this very day, as we draw nearer to the close of 2022.