Humbled you have taken the time to stop by!
The most important thing to me 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year is you! Since childhood, my passion always found me drawn to others, especially if different than myself; language, accent, color of skin, nationality, culture, and beliefs. My M.R.S., degree is a direct result of this fascination, respectfully curious and genuinely interested in people; agreeing, or agreeing to disagree, is a position we must never lose.
One Truth Many Lies is brought to you, first and foremost to deliver a truly love all judge none message; values and principles, integrity, accountability, and people-first leadership, is in dire need, and my desire is to share ideas that deliberately incorporate these timeless, long-lost nuggets - yet - from a bold position that we cannot tamper with the living word.
Thanks again for stopping by ... please leave me your feedback, as your heart leads.